Finished Leaves and Hunting for Scavengers
A quick thanks for all the comments! It was really nice to see so many lurkers reveal themselves!
As I said, I was really addressing my personal chagrin with my inability to leave comments thanks to my ISP but I'm glad it got so many to say hi! And please never, never think any comment is too insignificant or "unoriginal"....even a "me too" is appreciated and welcome!
I've finished knitting the wonderful Embossed Leaves socks, see?
Pattern: Embossed Leaves by Mona Schmidt for Interweave Knits Magazine Winter 2005
Size #1 (2.5 mm) 40" Addi Turbo circ and Magic Loop method
Koigu PPPM, 2 skeins (with lots left over!) color #616
Mods: As I stated previously, the 1 x 1 rib cast-on suggested in the magazine is NOT the tubular cast-on the designer used. After trying out both I ended up using my standard German Twisted cast-on because I felt it looked best with the twisted ribbing and was more stretchy than the 1 x 1 rib cast-on.
I also added a YO short row heel (without mini flap this time) and rather than the SSK suggested by the pattern to form the leaves, I used a K2tog thru the back look because I find it much "smoother" than the SSK and more closely resembles the K2tog.
Lastly, I grafted the last toe stitches closed rather than the "purse-string" closure the pattern suggests because I felt it would be much more comfortable for wearing.
I loved knitting these beautiful socks....great pattern, quick knit and stunning outcome. I will absoulutely knit these again!
Now the ladies over at JenLa have thrown down the gauntlet of a blog scavenger hunt and far be it from me to shy away from a challenge! So here goes.....
1. A blog which you think people have not discovered. Everything here is pure beauty....her cooking, her home, her knitting, her life.
2. A blog whose author lives close to you physically. Just get as close as you can, it’s all relative. Catherine, who's a bit north of me but she feels like a next door neighbor.
3. An unusual or weird animal picture. Angora on the half shell
4. An entry that made you laugh and got you strange looks from family or co-workers. The infamous "Ass Tree" post
5. An idea you wish you’d thought of. Some hate em, many love em but almost everybody has tried em or wants to! Addi Turbos
6. Something you’d like to knit. Oregon
7. A picture of something you consider beautiful. Kris' view
8. A blog whose author you’d like to one day meet in person. Ack!! there as so many so I'll give you my top 3: Margene Liz and of course La
9. A blog of someone you have already met in person. My patient and wonderful Knit Group organizer, Kim
To sign off, here's the P-Man hanging out in his "garden" (my tablecloth!)

He says, "Even tho it was already 88 degrees here today, Happy Spring to all!"
88 degrees???? I had a snow day today!
The socks are beautiful, Debi. :)
Love the socks! And shut up about the weather, okay? ;-)
Lucky sock pal! The colourway is really gorgeous! I have that pattern too ... ::sigh:: just not enough time!
I'd like to knit some of the patterns from Virtual Yarns too ... but they are all a bit too expensive ... should go buy a lottery ticket tomorrow! LOL!
I'm also a Yarnstorm fan--what an eye for color she has. Beautiful socks. I think I have some koigu in the same colorway... . . hmmmmm .. . . .
I'll take your 88 degrees and you take my 36 degrees with rain! And we'll meet someday, I need some pumpkin love!
Those socks are beautiful and the P man, well he is just too cute ;)
I think the photos are great! I appreciate all the yarns you use and share info about. My LYS thanks you as well.
As always, Pumpkin looks ever so charming...
i love those socks and OMG your cat is the cutest!!!
Your socks are GORGEOUS!! That colorway floors me everytime I look at it- so rich, yet subtle. I love it! And I feel so honored to have made your scavenger hunt list- thank you!! I was wondering why my site was suddenly getting a huge spike in visitors. ;-) The ass-tree story was okay, but you should've directed your readers to your comment! THAT one made coffee come out of my nose! I'll never be able to read the word "Brazilian" with a straight face again, LOL! P-Man is the cutest! Take care, Debi! :-)
Lovely socks! I'm nearly ready to turn the heel on my second one, the pattern really does go fast once you have it down pat doesn't it.
P Man is looking regal as ever :-)
Very pretty! I don't think people knit with yellow enough. They look great.
I feel like you're my neighbor too! What a great idea for a meme, I grabbed a bunch of those links into Bloglines. Love those socks, and of course the P-Man!
Great socks - and the P-man is looking good too!
I LOVE Yarn Storm - thank you for pointing me to it! :)
And tho' you're not very near, since DD went to FL, there's a chance I could meet YOU, and Catherine, too! IF DD manages to convince me to travel...(of course, I really want to meet P-Man and the puppies...)
No fair, Deb! I'm supposed to be getting off the computer about now to get on with my chores. Instead I have all these new links to follow - on a dial up no less... Oh well, I'll just keep coming back to look at the gorgeous socks and Mr. P-man - so dang cute it hurts :)
I love your socks and P-man is pretty cute too! I keep eying everyone's rendition of these socks and am about ready to get the magazine (guess I'll have to try ebay or the publisher) so I can knit them too!
Great socks!
Tell the p-man to come up and help me with my garden! And have him bring some of that warm weather while he's at it. It's freaking freezing here today!
the socks look great! i was surprised to read that you said you had "lots left over" with only 2 hanks of koigu. i expected those socks to eat up more yarn (they seem like full-length socks).
Hugs and purrs to P-Man from Tigger.
It's 77 degrees and sprinkling here.
Great socks.
I love the socks.
Glad you like the view. Unfortunately Mr. Mountain has been hiding behind a lot of clouds for several days. I wish he'd come out and show himself.
Hugs to Pumpkin.
Those are beautiful socks. 88 degrees--wow, that's almost too hot!
I have figured it out: How many times can we comment to say how beautiful your socks are. Every pair is gorgeous, and you make so many we give up in a jealous fit!!
(check Yahoo for knitting group info)
OK, so what are you doing today? ;)
You should have heard the thunder here last night. Tigger slept through the whole thing.
Hugs to you and P-Man.
Pretty, pretty socks!!! They look like they would be so comfy, and I love that pattern. And what a cute kitty!
See, people who comment a lot can really nag.
What are you and P-Man up to? ;)
My, oh my, those socks! What size foot did you make them for, to have some yarn left over? I ask 'cause I'm a big wus: I want to make cuff-to-toe socks with Koigu, but I don't want to invest hours and hours, then find myself out of yarn before completing the toe!
And as lovely as those socks are, P-man is even more brilliant, ruling oer his garden kingdom
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