Lurker, reveal thyself and a little bit of the knit
Are you all aware there's a HOLIDAY goin' on this week?
I had forgotten about this auspicious occasion until I visited my Florida neighbor at Bossy Little Dog by way of Cursing Mama via Paper Napkin who actually founded this momentous day for all of blogdom!
Now I don't have the readership of Wendy, or prolific commenters like Margene but I do get a decent amount of traffic here at Casa de FKD(which I'm eternally grateful for!)....but a disproportionate number of comments! Now I'm no comment ho (much, hehe) but would it KILL YA TO COMMENT?? Come on everybody, come on out and say hello when you know, EXPOSE YOURSELF!!
On to the bit of the's the first FO of 2006.....The Market Square Bag!

I put Gumby in the shot for perspective, mainly because the P-Man was being shy around the paparazzi ......and besides, Gumby is pretty cute himself!
Market Square Bag designed by Linda Cyr in Knitter's Magazine Summer 2001
Five skanks Cascade 220 -- I used every inch of the reddish purple that I used for the trim and handles, but only about half of the other 4 skanks.
Size US #8 (5.0 mm) Addi Turbo 32" circ
Unfelted measurements: 20 inches wide x 18 inches high
I loved knitting this fun bag altho towards the end I had had my fill of the entrelac and all the turning, turning, turning. I did purl back backwards for the purl squares because tension was identical for both purling forwards and backwards. Knitting backwards was a whole different ballgame! My tension was horrible when knitting backwards! It's something I will work on in the future because I think it's a good skill to have!
Here's another pic because Pumpkin decided to cooperate, sort of:

I have actually felted the bag already.....It took 4 cycles thru a hot/cold wash inside a pillowcase with 2 pairs of sneakers and a squirt of Dawn Dishwashing Liquid to get a nice size and lose the stitch definition. It looks spectacular if I do say so myself BUT no pics until I sew on the handles and have a finished bag to show.
I'm still working on my Bearfoot socks. Sock one is complete and sock 2 has about 4 inches of toe already. I am really enjoying using the Magic Loop method and I love, love, love the Bearfoot so the socks are moving along quickly. I should have FO sock pics soon.
I've also started a new project as the yarn hasn't come in for the Lacy Aran Pullover but I'll share those pics next time too! And my decision on the color for the Lacy Aran.....Hey, everyone likes a cliffhanger, right? :)
And just because he is so handsome, one more of my P-Man....this one's for you Auntie Agnes!!

Now get out there and celebrate National Delurking Week and show a blogger you care by saying HI!
Just passing by...and a big "Hello" to you...till we meet again...
An easy way to get comments on your blog, is by commmenting on other peoples blog :)
Hiya Deb...lurker here....NOT!
your market bag is gorgeous! I just love those colors. Can't wait to see how it felted up.
damn, that was sposed to be La. Stupid keys only typing what I tell them to and not what I want them to...
Beautiful market bag, lovely colors.
Hi there, I'm a big time lurker!
I've been checking your blog daily for quite a while now, but have never posted a comment. No particular reason, I'm just shy, I guess :-). I love your P-Man (I'm a crazy cat lady myself) and love your knitting, especially your socks! Oh, and your tutorials have helped me a lot too.
Guess it only lacks to introduce myself - my name is Marta, I'm 28 and I live in Lisbon, Portugal (that's right, on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean). I'll try to comment more, just to keep you happy :-). You're totally worth it!
What a lovely comment Marta! Thanks for letting me meet you!
Hi Debs, Love the bag pattern! P man is looking as dapper as ever :-)
I made that bag but hated my color selection after it was done (too medieval for moi) - yours is gorgeous! Now I want to make another one, someday!
Can't wait to see the finished bag! (And socks!)
I used your Turkish cast on tutorial recently to start some Jaywalkers. It rocked my world. Thank you so much! :)
I do comment! Maybe not every time though.
Great tips on the felting that I will steal...I have slipper/clogs for favoritespouse that did not felt down very far....they needed to be an 11 and they are more of a 13. D'oh!!!! I'm going to steal the shoes trick.
ok, you caught me lurkin'!
hi,deb! love your blog - the bag is awesom, been on my to do list...
i'm a non-blogging knitter- seriously dont know how bloggers find the time - but i am glad you do!
keep you the great work-b
Can't wait to see the bag felted. I learned to knit backwards especially for this bag!
I'm not a lurker on your site, but I'll say hello anyway, and let you know the bag is a beauty.
Another non-blogging lurker here - which explains the lack of comments. It's just not that fun hearing from someone, you can't visit. I enjoy reading your blog (and found it especially interesting to hear about the no-door-for-a-week-situation, we didn't hear anything about those things here in Denmark) and looking at your lace - and your socks! If only I had patience to knit more of those *sigh*
Nina, from Aalborg in Denmark
Your Market Square Bag is super! Is it hard to do? I've not tried this knitting method yet but it is on my list.
Good job on the Market Squares Bag!Looking forward to seeing it felted.
I've commented before, but not very often, so I'll stop today to say hi! HI!
De-lurking here to say that your market squares bag is awesome! I LOVE the colors.
Love the bag. You're a braver woman than I. After all that enterlac, I doubt I could get the thing near the washing machine.
Can't wait to see the after shots. =)
*opens her raincoat, closes it quickly and runs like hell* DID say 'expose yourself'....
Who you calling a lurker? I ain't no lurker! LOL
hello fellow floridian - yes i am a lurker.. but love to see wool lovers in the sunshine state where the humidity is so high that wool automatically felts when you walk outside.
Anything for a holiday or a comment, huh? The bag is lovely, but you're teasing us by not showing it felted! I have a skein of Bearfoot that will probably be next on my list! I've tried the Magic Loop, but keep going back to my trusted dpn's. Old dog, new trick kind of thing.
Dorothy (Missouri Star)
I've commented before, but I'll add my 2 cents today too...I LOVE Bearfoot! I don't know when you'd wear socks with it in Florida though; we seldom have enough cold weather even here in SC for me to wear mine. Although I do wear them in the summer with the AC on.... Oh. ;-)
Hi Deb! Love the bag. Might have to get that button...I AM a comment ho! Can never have enough ;)
Quick question - where can I learn to purl backwards? I want to make one of these bags too and that would certainly make things go faster.
Wow! P-Man is of course handsome ... but he also looks very contemplative all the time!
I can't wait to see the fleted bag ... I am not a big fan of felting (too much trouble) but would like to see how yours turns out. Always find it magical to see the before and after felting pics.
Spicy Kitty and I wish you and P-Man a Happy de-lurking New Year!
Can't wait to see your FO photo! I really love my MSB - and it's a fun knit - but I so know what you mean about having enough of the entrelac by the end. ;)
I comment sometimes, not too often.
Love the entrelac bag!
And we just adopted our own pumpkin colored cats this weekend. They're nearly as cute as the P-man.
Okay, delurkifying myself here. At least I don't think I've commented here before. I never seem to have the right thing to say for the occasion on your site, so I have kept my mouth shut. I just don't feel right about joining in the chorus of ooh pretties that you get when you finish a project. I try for something witty, but it doesn't always come.
I am interested in seeing the finished bag. I've heard so many awful things about the tediousness of entrelac, it intimidates me.
Hi Debi!
Love your bag. Just showing how I care.
I'm always here reading.
Happy New Year, Debi! I'm no lurker, just a stalker, and you know I love your blog! ;-) Your entrelac bag turned out so beautifully!! The colors are gorgeous and I can't wait to see how it looks post-felting. Gumby cracked me up, too. Take care and I'll be back soon to catch up on all the posts I've missed! :-)
Well, I'd love to use the button too but I'm a blogger dummy - can you please do a tutorial about how to (1) get blogger to post your photos or (2) a good (inexpensive) site to use to host photos so you can then post them in blogger?
I'm the 41st poster - wow..... And you know a bunch of folks don't EVER post..
Is that bag pattern anywhere on the internet? Nevermind, I'll google it and ask again if I need to :)
Hugs to you and the P-man from me and Perry the Bi-Polar (aka Perry the sweetest kittie girl ever!)
Delurking to say hello and admire your lovely bag!
Howdy! It's not that I mean to's just that I'm incredibly embarrased about not updating MY blog since September!
Always enjoy yours though!
Your bag is FABULOUS. I mean GORGEOUS. Wait, maybe SPECTACULAR is the right word. Or, all of the above. I made the MSB last year, it was a fun project. I like your colors better than mine, I may need to make another.
ok i'll delurk (temporarily) but i refuse to remove the trenchcoat and dark glasses ;-)
your bag is lovely...colors are very similar to the ones i chose (though mine is a bit darker)...methinks i should get it out and finish the darn thing! (too many classes last winter and it got shelved)...will be keep lurking to see how it turns out ;-)
The market bag is lovely! And Pumpkin is just as cute as a bug's rear end!
Wow ! Nice bag !
I'm delurking! Great blog. I've used quite a few of your technical explanations. Some people just have a gift for being able to make things clear and you've got it, Girl! Thanks.
Hello Deb and P-man! I lurk here on a regular basis, I'm just not too good on the comment front.
Just de-lurking to say hi. Love the pictures of the P-man and am so glad you finally got your front door! My DH is a Gen. Contractor and I wanted so bad to send him to you! But, he was busing doing what he does...building a house. glad you're safe behind a door again.
Sheri in GA
Hi Deb. Love the bag and love your blog. I visit often and sometimes I even leave a comment, so I guess I'm not a complete lurker.
Tigger and I send our hugs and kisses. :)
Found you recently and really appreciate a fluffy knitter who blogs!
I like the Market Squares bag, it looks great an dhte color selection is lovely.
Give me your cat!
The entrelac bag is awesome - and pumpkin is still the cutest! ;)
I'm an intermittent lurker, I guess. Love the bag! And I really love your gumby!
woo! Lookit you, 62 comments! yeah baybee!
Just putting in my "helloooo there!"
Well, I'm not a lurker here, and look at all of those comments! Cool. I cannot WAIT to see the bag finished. I have wanted to make that forever and I love your colors. I know it is on here somewhere, but what yarn did you use? I'll bet the Naturespun would have some great colors for it. Or the other BS yarn. Oh my poor wallet!
Uh, hi! I am delurking now. I have enjoyed your blog, and used the Turkish cast-on for my latest pair of socks (actually, I only discovered it for the second sock). Thanks for the tutorial! And I just set up my own little blog too!
Love the entreloc, and can't wait to see it felted! I am trying to get the nerve up to entreloc, and I have even purchased the yarn and leather finishings for it. You still have the coolest knitting blog I have ever seen. Consider me "de-lurked". Keep up the good work girl!
the bag is gorgeous! and pumpkin is as cute as ever! :)
Love your kitty and the bag.
Commenting is killing me! (j/k)
ok, I;m delurking.. ;-)
delurking, delate, but delovely nonetheless.
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