There be DOOR here!!!
Finally, after 8 LOOOOONG weeks, the homestead at Chez FKD is secure!! YAY DOOR!!!!! I never thought I could find a door so attractive but just have a look at that cheesecake shot! :)

Despite all the chaos, knitting is the constant at FKD so here is sock #1 and the beginning of sock #2 using the Mesa colorway Socks That Rock yarn. The color on my monitor is very's a pretty vibrant, saturated mix of colors reminiscent of a painted desert. The pattern is a simple lace rib called Elongated Corded Rib from Sensational Knitted Socks by Charlene Schurch. This new book is another must have for the avid sock knitter! It's a formulaic compilation of many sock patterns that can be adapted to the yarn/gauge of the knitter's choice! A really good all around book, even for the beginner sock knitter! (Thanks Darilyn !!)

I've again used my two new favorite sock knitting techniques.....a 2 x 2 tubular cast on and my new Eye Of Partridge Mini Gusset Short Row heel. Both of these really help with the perfect fit for fluffy feet!
I've finally been able to overcome my

To make the Market Square Bag from Knitter's Magazine Summer 2001. This entrelac, felted bag has been making the rounds on blogs since the magazine came out with a resurgence last year because the pattern is also featured in the book, Bags, a Knitter's Dozen. I've loved the bag ever since I first saw it and collected the yarn that's been marinating in stash for about 2 years! I figure it's a small enough project that will hold my interest cause I love doing entrelac! Yes, shoot me now, I'm one of those weirdo knitters who actually loves to pick up stitches.....hey I even love mattress stitching and you know I'm the Kitchener Queen, right Margene? I love these colors and I think the bag will be spectacular!
And finally since happiness abounds at FKD Pumpkin is seen here doing something that makes him VERY happy! He loves to jump onto the back of my office chair and balance precariously! The chair is quite "swivel-y" so he really does have to hang on! You can see how badly scratched the top is cause he digs his little nails in HARD! I guess this is the P-Man equivalent of Space Mountain, hehehe.....

Isn't it amazing how much we take things like locking doors for granted? Thank you for sharing because I'll appreciate my door today.
And give P-Man a big hug from me and a purr from Tigger.
Congrats on the door!! I know that makes you quite a happy camper.
If you are the kichener queen, and I am the terror of seaming (i.e. my seaming stinks!) could you per chance do a tutorial of good seaming???? All your other tutorials have been so helpful.. I'm just sayin' is all...
Thank god uhm..Bob for the door. It's about time!!
I just love the picture of the cute Pumpkin on his space mountain.
Yay for the door!! But how are you feeling? Is your knee still elevated? Is your heating pad still on round the clock duty?
I did the MSB and those are wonderful colors - it's going to be smashing!
What a great Christmas present!
I thought my cats were the only ones who think they are supercats who can run and jump on a swivel chair without spinning. It makes for hours of amusement.
I think I'll go kiss my front door and apologize for taking it for granted! And we do take such things as security and electricity and peace of mind for granted. Glad to know that your knitting is at last giving you some comfort. I have been so tempted by that sock book. Maybe I'll have to give in.
Hooray for the door! So glad you have home security once again!
Security and electricity, two things we take for granted! I made that Market Squares bag a few years ago, I loved doing it but I regretted my color combination after I finished, I like your choices MUCH more!
A new door, YAY! Great socks and those colors will make a gorgeous Market Square Bag. The colors are absolutely wonderful!
Congrats on the wonderful, security providing door! My cats do the same,perch on the back of the chair, thing. :-)
I have been thinking about you for 8 weeks -- I am SO GLAD you got your door. Yippee!!!!
Oh, and the socks look great.
But you have a door!!!! Yeah!
Yay door!! How's the knee??
Hooray for that beautiful, gorgeous door!! I'm so happy for you...I knew all those positive door vibes we were sending would work. :-) Your sock definitely rocks and I love the jewel-toned colors you chose for your Market Square Bag. It's going to be beautiful! Your P-Man is too funny on his amusement park ride. Such a cutie! Take care! :-)
I LOVE your color choices for the MSB. I did one last winter and loved it.
Tell the truth, how many times did you open the door..close the the door...whee! I know I would have. I'm glad to see the door passed the P-Man's thorough inspection.
Do you get a neck massage when Pumpkin purrs perched on the back of your chair?
I hope your knee is feeling better.
So glad to hear you have a door! Woo-hoo!
I am looking forward to seeing your bag -- I would love to make that. May need to get that book!
Hooray!! It's the little things in a door, privacy, etc!! :)
The Cascade colors for your bag are my very favorite! Looking forward to seeing progress pix and finished product!
Sexy door ! I'm very happy about that.
I will answer your e-mail...eventually ! Any fat-foot sock = a good sock. ;-]
Hope you have the best holiday possible.
Congrats on the door. During Christmas-time, miracles DO happen!!
You had better run right over and decorate your door. Santa may miss you looking for the doorless condo.
Very cool door! Who would ever think you'd appreciate something so basic?
Sorry to hear about your injury (your last post--I'm just reading about it today), and the minor (comparatively) tragedy of the Opal yarn. 2006 just has to be better for you, right?
Congratulations on the new door! Wish to see your Market Square Bag soon.
Soooooo happy to see a door on your place! I imagine the first night with the door was the best sleep you have had in a while.
I love the Market Square bag and once had yarns stashed for it, but the colors weren't exactly what I wanted. Now I see yours.........
Enjoy the holidays!
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