Friday, August 12, 2005

By special request, Beading Made Easy!

As promised, here's the scoop on beaded knitting, crochet style. I much prefer this method because it saves me from having to string hundreds of beads onto my yarn, a pretty onerous task if ya ask me! Plus it saves wear and tear on the yarn since you don't have to slide all those beads along the length of the yarn as you do with the knitted on method. Lastly, I feel this method "seats" the bead on the knitting better because you place the bead over BOTH legs of the stitch, unlike the knitted on method where sometimes the beads slip to the purl/private side and are difficult to see in the knitted fabric. So let's begin....

Of course, the proper tools are of utmost importance! You need crochet hooks small enough for the bead to slide *over* the hook...and man, that's tiny! I put a dime in the frame for perspective. From top to bottom: #9, #10, #11, #13...the higher the number, the smaller the hook.

Here you can see just how tiny these hooks really are. You can barely discern the hook part from the shaft.

I use seed beads for my knitting. Here are some commonly used sizes with corresponding hooks.

On the bottom we have size 8/0 beads on a #13 hook.This is used for fingering weight yarn.

The middle is size 6/0 beads on a #11 hook. This is used with sport weight yarn. I have used this size on DK and Worsted Weight yarns but it's a pretty tight fit and pretty difficult to get the yarn thru the bead without shreading it.

On top are size 3/0 beads on a size #10 hook. These are the beads I used on Kiri and would fit very comfortably on yarn as thick as Aran weight. Unfortunately, 3/0 beads are pretty hard to find. You can find 5/0 beads much more easily and 5/0's are perfect for up to DK/Worsted Weight.

Now for the "how to" portion of our broadcast....

Step 1: **For this demonstration I used sportweight yarn, size 6/0 seed beads and a size #11 crochet hook**

With the bead loaded on the crochet hook, knit (or purl, if you choose) to the stitch on the left knitting needle where you want to place the bead. Leave the stitch on the needle and lift the stitch with the crochet hook.

Step 2:

With the crochet hook, pull the yarn thru the hole in the bead while, at the same time, sliding the stitch off the left knitting needle.I hold the bead with my left hand while I do this, and the hook in my right. Make sure to get the whole stitch thru the bead.

Step 3:

Return the beaded stitch to the left knitting needle.

Step 4:

Knit the beaded stitch as you normally would, transferring the completed stitch to the right knitting needle.

Step 5:

Knit on as you normally would, placing beads wherever you choose.
And there you have it....real tough, hmmm?

I find beads look best with at least one stitch between each bead. I also prefer a "plain" (non-beaded) row of stitches between each beaded row.


Here's a close up of my Sockapal2za beaded socks just to illustrate how the beads look in the fabric.. I used 8/0 seed beads on fingering weight sock yarn and a #13 crochet hook. I left a plain row in between each beaded row.

Since I started beading, two wonderful bead shops have opened locally so I can browse up close and personal :)

Prior to that, I got all my beads and crochet hooks from The Beadwrangler Great selection, fast delivery and wonderful customer service!

Another good resource is Earth Faire This is where I found the 3/0 beads for my Kiri. This is a good place to find a unique bead selection and interesting color mixes.

So now that you see how easy it is, get your self some crochet hooks and some pretty beads and get yourself out there beading...add some spice to your knitting!! Have fun!


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Ada said...

Dear Debi,

Thank you so much for posting this so clearly. I'm sure going to try this.

Love Ada

Spinningsue said...

That is amazing! I love the look of beading on knitting but have never tried it because I just couldn't make myself do all that pre-threading. So thanks!


Anonymous said...

Well, how cool is that? It really beats stringing all those beads! Thanks so much for sharing your technique. I'll have to find a small project to try it on. Dorothy (Missouri Star)

Jen said...

Excellent tutorial, great pictures, and a useful alternative beaded knitting method to add to our techniques!

Just one request - please don't confuse newbies by using the wrong terms for the tools. Several times, you referred to the hooks as "needles".

I can't tell you how many times I had people in my bead shop (before it closed at Easter) who had gotten totally confused over techniques because they had a misunderstanding about the tools based on being told a wrong name for them.

That being said, please don't let it detract from what a wonderful post this is! The technique may not be suitable for all times that people want a beaded knitted piece, but frequently it will be just the ticket!

--Deb said...

Okay, that's brilliant. Thank you!

Agnes said...

I always thought to add beads, you have to thread them through the yarn "before" knitting. Now this is excellent ... life with bead knitting will become so much easier! Thanks a lot.
Wish you a wonderful weekend ... and say hello to Pumpkin for me! ;)

Lorette said...

This is such a wonderful idea! I may have to try beads now! Your Kiri is just gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Wow!! Thank you for the great tutorial...I can't wait to try it out! Like others I have been hesitant to do beaded knitting because of the hassle involved with stringing beads, but now I'm ready to go. This is just like when I learned to cable without a cable needle..a big light going off accompanied by a loud forehead slap! Why can't books just teach you the easier ways instead of the laborious "traditions". Thanks again!

Alison said...

Excellent! Thanks so much for the clear instructions and great pictures. I can see a new project starting, something that needs beads...

Anonymous said...

Fab demo !

Anonymous said...

Deb, this is officially the coolest knitting trick I've ever learned...and seen demonstrated....hope to talk to you soon..


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for these very clear directions.
Melanie's Mother

Jennifer said...

Awesome! Thanks for this! It would have been helpful when I was making Crumpets! Now I know for next time! :)

Anonymous said...

Just adding my thanks to those of others. What a useful technique - thanks for the excellent photographs and clear description.

soapy said...

You did a great job with your tutorial!!!

Unknown said...

Thanks so much. I'll be beading "Debi-style" before the day is out.

Anonymous said...

excellent description! the photos are just right for what you describe. it may be time to start using all those beads on the shelf and morph into a glam old lady.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great post. I have been wanting to try this for a while but just haven't gotten around to it. You make it look very easy :)

Anonymous said...

That is SO COOL. Thanks for posting the directions and giving such clear, easy-to-follow ones!!


Anonymous said...

thank you for showing this, i will try it, it looks realy beautiful..

Leslie said...

Thanks so much for a great tutorial! I've been inspired :)

Anonymous said...

Awesome tutorial, I, too am, what to bead, what to bead.....

Trine Als said...

This is just about the coolest trick I have seen this centery.
Now I just have to find a shawl to bead.
Kindest regards from Denmark

Felicity said...

Great tutorial, thanks!
Keep smiling
Felicity 8-)

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's a great way to add beads to knitting, never saw that before. Thanks for the great tutorial! I'll be sure to try it at once :)

Knittykim said...

ahhh, Little Grasshopper, when hooks are THAT small they are called 'steels'. Perusing the shawl books as I write-thanks again.

Sahara said... just made something that looked so complex in other directions look downright EASY! Whoa! mentally running through beads, yarn, and crochet hooks in my stash...what can I try this on... THANK YOU! :) Lisa in Oregon

KnitYoga said...

Debi, thank you so much for sharing your ingenious method for beaded knitting. I'm definitely going to give this a go! Just need to find some really fine crochet hooks. :-)

--Deb said...

Thanks again, Deb. I found your tutorial (via Summer of Lace) just in time to use it for a hat I wanted to make. Come see! (Though, you can see a better view of the actual beads on the post of the day before.)

Anonymous said... arw awesome to share this info. I have never used beads in my knitting but am going to knit another Rowan Butterfly cami with beads & this will be very helpful!

Strikkelise said...

That is one clever trick! Thank you so much for showing.

alison said...

Hey, this is so helpful! I'd heard that you don't necessarily have to thread all the beads ahead of time and have always wondered how people get the beads on while knitting. Thanks!!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic tutorial- thanks so much!

- Deepa

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much !! I'm "going beading" tonight :-)
Love vis2vas, Norway

Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you. I had taken a beading class and just couldn't seem to get the hang of it.

I tried beading your way and voila, it worked. I'm so pleased and now looking for a pattern where I can do a lot of beading - love the look.

Thank you again.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the excellent "how to" It think I could do it now.

Anonymous said...

this looks so easy! any suggestions on how to add to crochet? i am doing cotton (sugar & cream) hats for yoga classes & they scream for some beads every now & then. ideas welcome.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your wonderful tutorial. I went right to the local craft store, bought the items I needed and started right away. Thanks again for the easy instructions. Never wanted to put beading on knitting because of the long beading process, but not anymore. GOD BLESS YOU!! Happy knitter once again.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so very much for this info. I knew I wanted to put beads in my knitting but could not figure out a way. I am glad I live in the info age where the world is open and we all can exchange the info. Diane

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for posting this method. I have been searching the net for hours to find out what size bead to use with a regular weight yarn. The last kit I bought was a nightmare. I cursed in languages I made up on the spot. I think now I can get along with my project.


Morandia said...

Wonderful. Thank you so much!

Anonymous said...

What a great way to bead!!! I have wanted to make something but was daunted by the process until now, THANKS!!!

Connie said...

Well I just had a "duh" moment...LOL I can't believe that I never thought of this! What a great tutorial on adding beads to knitting and this method would also work for crochet.

Thanks for taking the time and effort to share your expertise!

Unknown said...

Merci Debbie !

Je ne parle pas bien anglais, mais les photos parlent toutes seules !!

Merci pour le tutorial


Anonymous said...

I just figgured out a way to crochet with beads, putting them on the hook and then pulling the yarn through the bead to make the second loop, that you pull through your first loop, making a crochet chain. I was looking online to see if anyone else was doing this and then I found your site with knitting... WAY COOL! I didn't think to do it with my knitting. Now the wheels are turning ... I may totally rethink the project I'm working on ;)

Thank you muchly!
Jenny Jones

Oranssi said...

Thank you ever so much! Now I get it and can add beads to my mystery stole 3.

Anonymous said...

Très bien expliqué, merci beaucoup. reste à trouver les crochets.

Anonymous said...

I'm not even adding beads to my MS3 but saved this tutorial of yours because of it's wonderful clarity and faboo pictures! Thank you very much!
Liz Lafferty

hapagirl said...

Thanks for such a clear tutorial! It will help with MS3.

knittin gin said...

Thanks for the info! I'm here by way of Pink Lemon Twist - she said you had a good tutorial on adding beads to knitting and she was right!

I've been wondering how to figure out bead size vs. yarn weight, and the best way to add beads. You make it look so easy and best of all you don't have to have it all planned out ahead of time! Thanks!

KTMay said...

Ohhhh...thank you! Now I have a hankerin' to give this a try!!!

Anonymous said...

Found this through MS3, and again through Lime and Violet...Am I the only one who noticed that the stockinette in the sock pic is upside down? ;) Of course, I suppose if one does a top-down sock, the entire sock really is upside down.

Ellen Alexandra said...

I found this through L&V also. Thanks for the tutorial! Did you know that your blog was reviewed in the Sept '07 UK-based magazine "Knitting"? I picked it up at B&N and happened to notice it (pg 38) - and what a coincidence since this post has been up on my computer for a day or two now!

Anonymous said...

love love love it just what I was looking for. I am doing a knit a long and it has the beads. Now I will be confident to do the beading. Again thank you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your beading on knitting tip,I would never have thought of that method. really simple to understand at a glance, again thanks.

Kathleen Colligan said...

I joined the Slow Bee Mystery Shawl KAL but did not know how to do beads with this method. I was going to actually leave the beads out but your site was posted by someone in the group.Thank you for making it look so easy with such clear directions and pictures.My beads were just ordered!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks! You cleared up a technique I'd been wondering about very quickly.

Anonymous said...
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Pirouette said...

Thanks for that clear tutorial.
I knit with beads but not that way... I'll try to see the difference...
You can see what I've done :
Nice to see your site.
Baest wishes,

drMolly, the BeanQueen said...

Just Thanks.

Anonymous said...

this is genius deb! thank you so much!

and fyi, you're the second stop on google when you put in beaded knitting methods ;-)

tichat said...

many thanks! I can use my alpaga cloud and my beads now!!

Laura said...

A great, great demonstration - clearly illustrated and explained!
Thank you!

Anonymous said...

That's brilliant! thank you for sharing this method. I have knitted in beads before using the threading on yarn method but found that it spoiled the yarn by pulling and fluffing it. This is just excellent - I'll get my beads out of hiding.

Anonymous said...
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bunnits said...

Thanks so much. Your photos and instructions were much better than I've found elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this beautiful and easy way of beading with all of us.

Anna Rose said...

Excellent! Excellent! Excellent! Thank you so much for this tutorial.

suzietee said...

Thank you for saving me from picking up a million beads off the floor as I drop them trying to string them on yarn. This method is so easy and you made it so easy to understand with your directions and pictures. Thanks again and happy knitting!

Tee said...

Thank you so much for making beading sound simple and not as I previously thought of it as too much of a I can expand the look of even the simplest of scarves to something quite special!

Yarnhog said...

Oh, thank you! I'm doing the Enchanted Wood KAL and was completely baffled by this concept. Now I think I've got it!

Heather said...

In all the internet, this post was the one post that helped me find out which hook I'd need to do a beaded trim. Thank you for this!!

Sharon Ward (WardMom) said...

Thank you ... this is more useful than anything else I have seen. I will try it this afternoon. I just decided to switch yarns after adding all the beads and doing it the long way by stringing them one by one was not a choice

frontline plus said...

This tutorial is great. I am currently making a coat for my daughter who lives far from me and I want her to have a souvenir to always remember his mother. you give me this detail seems great to decorate the shelter so I thank you infinitely


Anna Robbinson

Anna said...

Thanks for taking the time to post this tutorial! Now off to pick out my seed beads!

Jodi said...

Thank you so much for taking the time to illustrate this for me. Having you explain which size bead and hook to use with which yarn was a tremendous help (already placed one dud on-line order because I didn't grasp this earlier). You are awesome!

LunaG said...

Thank you for that wonderful tutorial! Have beads coming up on a WIP & am nervous about tearing the yarn. Tight cotton crochet thread is about the only fiber I don't worry stringing them onto.

Melissa Marro said...

FANTASTIC TUTORIAL! One of our members mentioned your blog in her post ( and I wanted to check you out... thanks for the great information!

Jan said...

Great idea! I was wondering, though, whether a different tool might be even better. I forget what the actual name is, but it's like a tiny latch hook that you use to pull through snags on knitted fabric (I got mine at a fabric store). If it's small enough to pull through the beads, it seems like you would be less likely to split the yarn or have it fall off the hook as you pull it through. I think I'll give it a try.

Unknown said...

Thank you...simple and perfectly illustrated.


Gaby said...

Das ist einfach cool/this is simply cool.

I can not wait to start b eading with my knitting. Off I go to buy beads and the crochet hooks, thank you so much, dankeschoen

Lainie said...

Thank you so much. I'm about to start a project adding beads to my knitting and was a little apprehensive about it. Your tutorial made everything so clear, right down to the hook size (which really helps) and exactly when to add the bead. Can't tell you how much I appreciate your help.


lovethelake said...

Thank you for your insight. Do you have a suggestion for putting on larger beads that will be strung horizontally. Want to add larger beads to the bottom of a tank top to help weigh it down and avoid the stockinette roll. I have smaller ones to put along the neckline, which I now know how to do.

Anonymous said...

I was about to return my beads to the store, until I used my brain to Learn how to knit w/beads. You are an awesome instructor. Is the course called, "Easy beading for Dum__ies?" Thank you soooooooo much.

Anonymous said...

thank you, thank you, thank you, I teach knitting and my girls(age 50 to 76) ask about this and I let them know how tirersome it is to string beads. Thanks to you they have an easier way to do it and they look wonderful bea fortin jacksonville, nc

Acupuncture in Leeds said...

hi Deb

thanks for the knitting website - I have just decided to start . . . and it makes it so much easier to have easy new ideas . . . and always more!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! Thank you so much for this demonstration and such clear instructions! I have tried the pre-threading method, and hated it! I had no desire to try it again until now.

FineDings said...

Great info! I recently made a beaded shawl, but used Swarovski 4mm bicone beads in a crystal ab for extra shimmer! It helps that I own a beads n findings company and could rob the warehouse! The only thing I'd add to your info is that I do not knit the beaded stitch - I place it onto the right needle. I found it seems to help the piece lay better instead of bunching it up a bit!

Anonymous said...

Thank You Wery Nice I LOVE it

Sue E said...

OMG This method is so awesome. Your discription and pics make this look so easy. I have never had something explained so clearly. THANK YOU THANK YOU
I will be subscribing!!!!!

Bev Anderson said...

Thank you so much for the sooooooo easy beading method.I have knitted a wedding shawl and want to add crystals in the edging, the only way I knew how ,was to thread beads on the yarn before knitting.So I looked up on the site and found your method. I am so gratefulthank you.
from Bev in Australia

Anonymous said...

Waow! great! thank you so much for posting

Knitting Needle Conversion Charts said...

Thank you for sharing this! It really helps a lot for us on how to bead and knit. The pictures are also a big help, making the beading method easy for us. Very nice! I'm so grateful with this, thanks!

Ruth Embery said...

Thanks so much for sharing - it is so simple for something that looks so impressive. I had no idea, otherwise! Off to make some Owlie socks WITH eyes :-)

Karen Leanne Creates said...

Thanks so much, Debi! I am studying the knitting techniques for a beginner level lace shawl that has a bead option!
It is called Fanflower Fling by Mary R. White.
This pattern is found here:
I hope you don't mind! This pattern is how I found you!

Anonymous said...

I made the Aeolian shaw a while ago. It had the option for beads as well. I really wanted to use seed beads, but had no crochet hook small enough. So I kick into "MacGeiver mode" and spent a good part of the afternoon toying with found objects that would act as a tiny crochet hook. A strand ( initially about 8 inches to start) of door screen was my winner. it's stiff enough to let me pick up a small bunch of beads, a slight curve helped them stay put. sitting the beaded wire on a paper towel helped to keep the whole thing from escaping. and a 'hook' of about 1/2 inch allowed me to effectively slip the wire into the stitch, pick up the yarn, then complete the stitch. as stitches are completed, the hook tends to break, I just folded the next 1/2 inch and kept going till the wire was too short. When I ran out of available screen wire, I picked up a screen patch kit, with about 10 four inch pieces of screen in it. A little short for my preference, but I have a forever supply.

Karen Leanne Creates said...

Thanks so much, Ms. Annonymous- for that screen wire tip! I have a massive collection of seed beads, and hope to use them !
Recently, I knitted a ruffled boa without a pattern. I used size 11 seed beads mixed with
some size 8's and 5's. Unfortunately, I had to thread a total of about 4 yards of beads on a #40 rayon thread. Wish I'd heard of this wire trick!
So, what I did was use about 1 yard of threaded beads at a time. It was very awkward incorporating the fine beaded thread into my "#3 Amazing by Lion Brand " roving yarn. I was just using them in a crocheted pico edging. But The 5 foot boa had "miles of edging to do!"
The tip that helped me get thru this was this:
I have a stand-alone - thread spool holder. I suspended the beaded thread over the spool holder, but first looped it thru a smooth plastic round marker. The small closed circle type.
That helped to control the beads from moving to the working side of the holder too fast.
Then, I had more control as I released about 2-3 inches of beads thru the ring, and the thread spool stayed in place. I had to keep manipulating the thread, and it was very tedious.
On my next project, I will be trying your methods!
Thanks for posting!

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jojoh said...

I used on Kiri and would fit. In your instructions on how to add beads, you say "I used on KIRI" Sorry, but what is KIRI. Thank you

FF said...

Thank you so much for posting this so clearly. But, how much does the average engagement ring cost? Non the less, wonderful write up!

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