Quite the little joiner, aren't we?
ETA: OMG! OMG! I just found out I won the Heifer International Drive grand prize over at Wendy's, WOWIE, WOW, WOW!!!! Thank you and happy birthday, my friend!!!!
Ok, now back to our regularly scheduled programming :)
Everyone have a great New Year? Good!! Now lets get the real party started!!
First, thank you so much for the compliments on Ruben. I'm very proud of him too and I think his new owner will be thrilled! I can't wait til Ruben reaches his final destination - there's nothing like the feeling of having your handknit gifts truly loved and appreciated!
Next, let's usher in the new beginnings with a little contest!!
The title of this post is a movie quote. Leave a comment with your best guess and I'll use a random number generator to see who wins this: (plus knowing me, I might just toss in an extra surprise or two, hee!)

880 yards of oh so soft, handpainted, almost solid laceweight merino in a gorgeous crimson colorway!! Now put your thinking caps on cause you know you want it (and remember all you KFYS 2007ers, GIFT yarn doesn't count!)
So why all the post holiday glee and movie quotes about joiners you ask? Well, we here at Casa de Fluffy Knitter Deb are co-hosting our first knit-a-long!! WOOT!!!
My good bud Agnes and I have been admiring this stunning creation:
And we thought, hey there must be other knitters out there
So we created a Blog
And Agnes made some beautiful buttons {that you can save to your own server please}

We plan to start the KAL on February 1** so those of you who are interested have a month to obtain the pattern (information on obtaining the pattern is on the FPS blog!) and choose a yarn that makes your knitting heart flutter with joy!
Head on over to the FPS blog, look around and leave us a comment if you're interested in joining us cause I predict a fun time will be had by all! Support, camaraderie, someone who understands the urge to toss your needles across the room while a blood curdling scream escapes from your lips....what more could a knitter ask for? :)
What will I be knitting with you ask? This:

I purchased this on my birthday before last (!) specifically for the Forest Path Stole so it's been crying from the stash for far too long. (The green isn't quite as neon as it looks, it's a very hard color to capture!) I haven't swatched yet so I have no idea what size or type of needle I will use. Actually I'm kinda scared about winding that giant hank...I usually use a nostepine to wind my skeins but I think even my ball winder may spontaneously combust on this one!
So come join Agnes and me and have some fun!! Don't forget to leave your contest guesses here in the comments, and your interest in the KAL over at the FPS blog! I'm so excited!! :)
** latecomers are welcome if you can't make the Feb. 1 start date and you don't need a blog to join, we will post pics at the FPS blog if you like.
lucky girl!
yup, it's dirty dancing...
and I'm in on the knit-along, but I might have to buy some yarn .... !
Oh I do love that stole, but I'm already doing the Dale knit a long, but it's so pretty, but I have so many other things to knit, but it's absolutely gorgeous and it's fun to play with others.
I'm gonna have to think about it.
Oh my goodness, I just read what you won! That's amazing!
And you'll love it, it's the camera (well don't know what version) but it's the camera I just bought myself. It's to die for!
It's from Dirty Dancing. I just love that movie. We went to the place it was filmed, Mountain Lake in Virginia for vacation one summer. I watched the movie over and over in the weeks before it but nobody in the house got the hint.
Congratulations on winning the grand prize.
I'm guessing Dirty Dancing too. Well, I'm not actually guessing; I'm pretty certain that's the correct answer.
I have always loved that shawl! This is not the time for me to add it to my WIPs, however, I will be watching all of yours come along.
As for the quote, I do believe its from Dirty Dancing, no?
totally dirty dancing!!
congrats on winning the grand prize over at wendyknits - i'm completely jealous :) enjoy xo
Dirty Dancing. Ugh, how many times have I seen that movie??? Baby and her sister are talking and it's pouring rain outside. Her sister is rambling on about all kinds of things, including her lipstick, and Baby is trying to find a way to get away. I think she says she's going to go play charades, and her sister drops the line about "Quite the little joiner, aren't we?"
Oh, and congrats on your awesome prize!!!
Yay! Congratulations on the big win!
And of course it's Dirty Dancing!
Yes, I hopped on over here after reading Wendy's blog.
You lucky woman you..
by the way, the quote is from Dirty Dancing..my neices favorite movie.
And I am joining that awesome KAL right now, and I am trying to do the KFYS 2007 so I NEED that yarn! =)
YES! Dirty Dancing...and I'm sooo late to the party! :)
Oh well...that's gorgeous yarn (both!) and I wish I dared jump in with you on Forest Path Stole, but with Catharina still OTN and Hidcote about to be...Not to mention all my other stuff.
CONGRATULATIONS on the grand prize winnings!
Dirty Dancing is my guess.
I think the stole is beautiful, but I am still out of breath from the socks I finished. I am going to have to sit the dance out.
Congratulations on your winning!
OK... business first....
That's from Dirty Dancing. Love that movie (and I'll lie and deny I ever said that!)
Now... the KAL. I was about to jump on that bandwagon. Then I realized you were serious when you said entrelac AND lace. That sent a cold chill up my spine. I've never done entrelac. A pattern like that could make me buckwild crazy (not that there's anything wrong with that).
I'll have to think about this a bit.
Yep, Dirty Dancing it is. :)
And I knit the Forest Path Stole. It was great fun.
Here's a link to my project page:
I'm going to go visit your FP blog and see what's going on.
Happy New Year.
That is so awesome that you won. What a great way to kick off 2007! And I'm also saying...Dirty Dancing!
Uhh, Dirty Dancing? Seriously, don't count me in the contest because I didn't recognize the quote and cheated by seeing the others. hee.
Darn it, 20 people ahead of me already guessed Dirty Dancing!! I love all dancing movies - just finished watching Mad Hot Ballroom this a.m., even. But congrats on winning the sock yarn stash! Lydia
Or wait....did you win the camera?? Wow! I was pretty impressed with sock yarn, lol!! Lydia
Wow! I am just itching to start some lace & that is some yummy looking yarn. The quote is from "Dirty Dancing" which came out when my friend's daughter was around 18 or so. She didn't like it, but I can't resist that "scenery."
Happy New Year & no other resolution but to felt something.
It is indeed Dirty Dancing, one of the all time best. Dumb, but best. Patrick Swayze is never going to win any awards for subtle acting, but he's not bad to look at!
What IS that lace yarn? I'm only 1 day into my NY resolution, and already drooling over yarn.
And congratulations on the prize! That's the camera I have, and I love it!
it IS from Dirty Dancing! Oh, my god. You have no idea how often this movie was played in our house. My daughter and her friend, quite young, would watch it over and over and dance afterwards, which looked real funny. Unfortunalty now, I can't stand to hear the music anymore.
I'm looking forward to your Forest Path Stole, but I'll have to pass on this KAL. Almost no time to knit anything right now,which is driving me crazy! ;o)
Dirty Dancing, of course! I love that movie.
The Forest Path Stole is gorgeous, but I'm Knitting from My Stash 2007 and I don't have enough laceweight of any color to make it. Also I don't have that issue of Interweave knits. Maybe some other year.
And congratulations on wining Wendy's Heifer International drawing grand prize!
Also, on winding the mega-hank. I read somewhere about winding huge hanks like this into separate balls, but keeping them connected. When you get a ball about as big as you want, take it off the winder, but don't cut the yarn, just start winding the new one. You'll end up with several smaller balls of more manageable size, but not have to weave in a bunch of ends.
"Nobody puts Baby in a corner." Patrick Swayze, Dirty Dancing (1987)
Not the first citation on the list, but the most complete!
Congrats on your win.
Congrats on winning!!!!! And you turn right around handing out prizes again! x! OK, me thinks Dirty Dancing. And you know the shawl is wayyyy beyond me. At least while the kids are still home;) I'll be glued to the progress of yours though. Still looking at those socks-my goal-to make those.
Oh absolutely gorgeous Patrick Swayze in Dirty Dancing...although, it sounds like a Humphrey Bogart line but the memory cells aren't firing that far back!
I didn't automatically know, but being a librarian I know how to find answers on the web! Dirty Dancing - wonderful movie (even if I don't remember it well enought to remember the quote.)
I was so happy to read you were the grand prize winner at Wendy's I ran right over here to congratulate you! Lucky me - there's a contest as well.
My New Year's resolution - to be less of a lurker. :-)
Happy New Year!
Coming out of my corner for my guess: Dirty Dancing.
Congrats on winning!
Dirty Dancing!
Congrats on winning the camera! What a nice thing Wendy's doing.
My guess is Dirty Dancing - must admit I googled for the answer!!!
I saw that you won the camera, whoo! Congratulations! I will watch you all make the Forest Path Stole while I work on a cotton baby blankie or something. I am not up to it, that's for sure!
Congrats on winning the top prize in the Heifer International drawing! I'm sure you'll put it to good use!
It's too easy nowadays -- just Google anything, and you'll find it! Dirty Dancing! (I feel like I cheated, but I had NO idea!)
Thanks for being there, and being you!
Man, totally thought it was from Breakfast Club. It's been YEARS since I saw Dirty Dancing, but god, I loved that movie when it came out. (I love how many of your commenters are remarking on their daughters driving them nuts with it - that was me!)
Congrats on winning that grand prize!
Ahhhh, this is a tough one...could it be ...Dirty Dancing??? Thats my final answer! The kal sounds good but scary and waaaaay beyond my meager talents! Oh, btw- I'm sooo jealous over that camera, lucky lucky dawg!
I don't know where the quote came from by myself ... but by reading others' comments. I don't want to cheat ... even though the prize is so appealing ... I'll just stay out of the game!
Mmm ... I think your Forest Path would be gorgeous! I swatched using the black lace yarn I have ... at 10 in the evening ... and I could managed to knit parts of all the patterns. So, I think it would be alright to use the black yarn! :)
Dirty Dancing!
Best.Movie.Ever (I was SO sure of that back then... sigh)
Congratulations on the win! You lucky gal. I'm sure the P-man won't mind helping you put that prize to good use.
I admit, I googled it...Dirty Dancing it is.
That yarn is beautiful. I too thought it was roving at first glance. Love that color.
Off to check out the knit along blog. I sooooo love lace.
I lost count of how many times I watched that movie as a teenager, but the quote is from Dirty Dancing.
Congratulations on winning the camera! I was so happy to see that you had won it. You definitely needed to have a bright spot in your new year after the last year you just had. Think of this as a sign of good things to come in 2007!
I'm deliberately not reading the comments ... it's from Dirty Dancing, isn't it? No one puts Baby in a corner.
Such a great movie. And congrats on winning Wendy's grand prize!
Dirty Dancing, one of my all time favorites. -Lorie
I've never seen it, but Mr. Google says it's Dirty Dancing as has been guessed already.
Congratulations on winning Wendy's prize!!
Dirty Dancing! (Of course, I'm not the first to guess such.)
Anyway, I'm in for the Forest Path. I actually started it last year, but put it down for other things. It's one of my favorite patterns and I'd love to pick it back up.
Oh yes it has to be dirty dancing :-)
I shall have to go and have a look at that stole, if I have the yardage in the stash I think I have I have just the yarn to knit it in :-)
Congratulations-just think of all the wonderful pictures you can take with your new camera!
The comment is from "Dirty Dancing" --one of my all time favorite movies. How many times did I wish I could be Baby??? Patrick Swayze could teach me to dance anytime--
Deb in Tucson
What ever happened to Patrick Swayze anyway, that is one lickable man....
Dirty Dancing...
The quote is from one of the best movies from the 80's - Dirty Dancing. I loved the sister - she was such a wench!
Yup, it's from Dirty Dancing!
Congratulations on winning Wendy's Heifer prize!
I've never done entrelac before...I wonder if I could handle making this stole? It sure is a lovely pattern, and I do have some yarn I could use.... Hmmmmm. I think I'll get the pattern and then decide. I may just join you on this one!
It is form my favorite movie Dirty Dancing
Congrats on winning
Can I join the KAL if I promise to frog something else? I'm actually thinking of doing this instead of the sampler from Victorian Lace. This has been on my list for a long time (I have the pattern), but I think the support of a group would be great! And congrats on the grand prize - can't wait to see the great blog pictures you'll post.
If I didn't know it was Dirty Dancing I'd figure it out from everyone else! :-)
Congrats on winning the camera!
Luscious laceweights, both!
And the movie -- why, it's Dirty Dancing, of course!
Hey Debi!
Thanks so much for the comment on Lizzie's Lacy Rib socks! They were my first real "grown-up" sock pattern (apart from my first practise pair with worsted weight and a VERY pointy toe). I absolutely loved the pattern and thought it was a great match with the cotton yarn I used. I wish I had made the leg a bit longer but that comes with experience -- it *seemed* long on the needles! Thanks again for sharing,
(P.S. My dad comes from Stuart!)
Dirty dancing. and that red yarn is so beautiful. MAybe if I win it, it would motivate me to knit the Forest Path. And contratulations on the prize. A non yarn prize, too!
Congrats on making a KAL! I'm not sure if I'll have time to join, but I'll surely follow everyone's progress!
Maybe if the albatross gets off the needles this month, I'll be able to think about another lace project!
Dirty Dancing perhaps?
Could it possibly be from Dirty Dancing?
First: Congrats on the camera! Digital SLR's are the bomb, bay-bee!!
Second: Dirty Dancing, of course!
Finally: Count me in on the FPS! I already have the pattern and the alpaca! I'm ready to stroll!!
Another Dirty Dancing fan raises her hand - I love that movie, it is one of my guilty pleasures and all other things stop if it is on when I should be doing chores on a weekend afternoon. Nobody puts Baby in a corner!
I squealed like a homecoming queen when I saw your name, it was "I know Debi! Well, I don't really but we live in the same state and we talk about getting together one of these days!" COOL prize! We will have to actually get together and take the fancy digital SLRs out for a weekend of taking cool pictures. Congratulations and WHOOOO!!!
Dirty Dancing! Congrats on winning the prize and the lace weight that you chose for the shawl is absolutely beautiful!
Hmm, let's see, - Dirty Dancing?!!!
Congrats on your contest win. I love the yarn you've chosen for your FPS.
Yeah on winning!!!
That is gorgeous yarn-I'll be watching.
Yes, it is from Dirty Dancing.
BTW, congrats on winning Wendy's contest!!!
Mmmm, love that red. I'm gearing up to try lace knitting again (not such good results the last time-- my mother got a rather short scarf for Christmas), but that stole scares the bejeebers outta me!
Quote from Dirty Dancing.
Oh, great! Now I have to go rent Dirty Dancing. We are movie addicts in my family, if we hear (or read) a quote from a movie - then we are sucked in and have to see it.
As for the KAL, I wasn't entirely committed to the one I was considering joining. And the only other one I’m in is Socks for Audrey, so hmmmmm. I have wanted to do this one for a while now. OK, count me in. I am not promising finished by the (is there a?) deadline. But, now I’m excited by the idea. And sadly, I don’t have enough yarn to do the entire thing, which means a trip to a GOOD yarn store. Maybe an overnighter to Santa Cruz & Half Moon Bay for yarn. The mind reels with possibilities. Yeah!
PS The red is gorgeous!
And now for another quote, "Red, my favorite color."
Google says that it's Dirty Dancing. (http://www.script-o-rama.com/movie_scripts/d/dirty-dancing-script-transcript-swayze.html)
Love the red wool, looking forward to following your progress on the shawl.
Yep, Dirty Dancing. And congrats on your win!
I love the Forest Path Stole. It's definitely in my knitting future. I'm just starting Icarus so I won't make your KAL, but I'll follow along to get good advice for the future!
Okay, I'm lame--bloglines had this as a "new" post, but then of course I noticed you had an even newer one, and have already chosen a winner. Oh well!
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