Thursday, July 05, 2007

You can come a'knockin....

Cause Blog de Fluffy is ROCKIN'!

Carol (infamous purveyor of recent kitty pr0n) nominated me for a

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award!! Woo Hoo!

So now I get to share the love and nominate 5 more Rockin' Girls!

It's next to impossible to narrow it down to only five but here goes....

1 -

2 - Kris

3 - Kristi

4 - Karen

5 - Lorette

Go forth and spread the love, Rockin' Girls and so on, and so on and so on.....(remember that old commercial, bonus points if you remember the product!)

One of the ways bloggin' girls rock is Knitting and Knails!

Kristi and I have been playing around showing off our knails with our knitting....

Here's sock #2 of my Smooshy Scrolls with my latest matching mani...

Pumpkin prefers au naturale :)

Come on knitters, show off your knails!


  1. Wow! Never in my blogging life would I think I would be nominated for a blogging award! I am honoured!
    So, should I nominate 5 others now?
    Just curious, how often do you have a new nail colour? ;)
    Another Pumpkin cute picture ... this one would become a classic!

  2. Since they are my natural nails I can keep a manicure on them fresh for 2 weeks, sometimes 3 but I do wear gloves to clean, do dishes, ect.

  3. You really don't want to see my nails at the moment. Between gardening and a little argument witha windsurf rig they are truly a disaster area :-)

  4. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Now that's a cute picture of Pumpkin!

  5. Those are some picture perfect nails!

    "And so on and so on" is buried somewhere in my memory. I think it was a shampoo commercial that went something like, "And they tell two friends and so on and so on..." It's going to pop into my head later!

  6. What an adorable picture of p-man.

  7. I don't have fancy nails these days except on my toes. Does that count?

  8. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Wow... I've never been nominated for an award. How cool. Thanks, Deb.

    (And was it the Fabrege commercial?

    And she told 2 friends.... and she told 2 friends....)

  9. I'll definitely keep you updated on the urban garlic experiment. :)

    Thanks for stopping by!

    (Your cat is just too cute!)

  10. It was a shampoo ad. Some kind of a wheat shampoo, I think. That was what? Twenty or thirty years ago? o.0

    The P-Man has the right idea. Napping with something soft.

  11. I'm with P-man here. I like au naturale best. Everytime I put on some nail polish, I had the feeling my fingers where suffocating, couldn't get the stuff off fast enough! ;o)

  12. Ahhhh, I'm honored! Now I really need to make time for my mani... :-)

  13. Thank you, darlin'! I, too, am honored.

  14. Yep, shampoo commercial. And it was one of those wheat ones. Seems to me that Farrah Fawcett (I think she still had the Majors attached to her name then) was the first model for the commercial. I can still see her tossing that blonde mane of hers. Oh, what was the name of the shampoo. You know, I'm totally gonna go google this now.

  15. Faberge Organic Wheat Germ Oil and honey shampoo. Google is such a time sucker! Haven't yet confirmed the FF tie-in, but you now have the name. My work is done here.

  16. My knails are a mess! I really need to give myself a mani and a pedi, or get them professionally done. I've never done that before.

    P-man is just so adorable in that picture!

  17. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Rock on Sister - nice award!

  18. I love it! Knails! They look so nice too. Lucky P-Man, all he has to do is just look good all the time. Meow!

  19. Oh no way, I might scare everyone off with my naked nails. Before I had kids I used to paint my nails once a week a different color. Those were the days. Oh gosh, was there a time before kids?
    Nice award, by the way!!

  20. I'm with pumpkin, and trust me, you really don't want to see it. But I must say, the one manicure I've had in my entire life was quite nice. :)


  21. Sorry I can't help you with the knitting knails. I rarely polish my nails, so they don't match anything ever except au naturale.

  22. Anonymous1:33 PM

    WOOHOO! I'm so glad Carol nominated you!

    Love the sexy mani, and how's my birthday boy?

  23. Anonymous1:42 PM

    oh, yeah! some Clairol shampoo that I used to insist my mom get me...Herbal Essense, I think.

  24. That is the cutest dang pic of Pumpkin!! Love it!

  25. Anonymous4:28 PM

    It was a (70s?)shampoo commercial. I'm thinking Breck.

    Great links!

  26. Your nails are beautiful, but I can't begin to compete. Clean, clipped, and filed is the best I can hope for...

    Very cute P-man pic!

  27. Cool! I'm not sure I've been nominated for any kind of award before! Love the knails, but I'm just not showing mine.

  28. Those are your natural nails? They're long, strong, french tipped and NOT acrylic? I am impressed! Flat nail beds like mine won't keep acrylic securely so I'm a short, clipped and (occasionally) clear Sally Hanson Liquid Nails kinda' woman.

    Love the P-man pix.

  29. Yes Leslie, all mine with nothing on em but polish. No acrylic, no gels. I even did my own mani :)

  30. Congratulations!!

    The new sock and mani look great!

  31. Congrats, knitbloggrrrl!
