Monday, July 02, 2007

Bonita Redux

The good news is, I'm still in love and love is all about compromise, right?

Here's Bonita's sad tale of woe.....

I'm knitting along on the back, happy as a clam, beading my lil heart out. Not especially thrilled with how the shaping works with the lace (of course there are no guidelines in the pattern, just "incorporate lace pattern into shaping" and the decreases/yo's arent paired in the last repeat so one can't help but increase! Makes the shaping a bit more taxing than it appears!) but I can live with the result.

I finish all ten lace repeats which means I've also added about 200 bead to the lil beauty. I count my stitches ( I swear I did, I SWEAR!!) and I'm knitting along on the stockinette bodice. I notice that the stockinette portion looks a bit bigger than the lace but I figure that's because the lace pulls in a bit so I'm not worried. (famous last words here - take note!)

So I finish the bodice and work the left neck, armscythe and shoulder. Looks perfect so I short row the shoulder, place the stitches on a holder and begin the right neck, armscythe and shoulder.....and discover somehow I've gained an extra EIGHT stitches between the last lace row and the stockinette bodice!

Now 8 stitches isn't that much in my fluffy world - the bodice IS quite a bit bigger than the lace but the real deal breaker is now the neckline/armscythe/shoulders are not centered! So the left side has to go! Plus on re-evaluation, the bodice really IS kinda big and the shaping isn't perfect....

So I took the opportunity to rip the whole thing out! :) Yep, 4 full skeins of yarn and 200 beads bit the dust!

Of course I do still love the top, and I LOVE the beads so I'm back to knitting Bonita #2 except this time I added selvage stitches and have decided to omit the shaping. The shaping was quite minimal (and not worth the headache) and frankly the texture and elasticity of the lace and the yarn (and the fluffy wearer!) adds enough shaping by itself.

So that's our story, Bonita's down but she's not out! At this point I've only done one pattern repeat so no "new" pictures yet.

I did finish the first sock of my Smooshy Scrolls, see?

Este calcetin es bonita, si? :)

I was cleaning up this afternoon and look what I found under Pumpkin's kitty bed......

His stash of genuine kitty pr0n cheesecake*!

My boy's a lil devil! Just look at that sly demeanor :)

To all those that celebrate, Happy Independence Day and Happy Birthday America!

*thanks for the chuckle Auntie Carol! :)


  1. LOL at P-man's kitty pict :-)

    Sorry about Bonita. I've been there. When you really like a top though, it is worth it to redo it. Good luck on attempt #2!

  2. What a naughty boy you have there...and a nice sock, too.

    (Carol is a hoot!)

  3. Anonymous12:01 PM

    So sorry for the trauma that you and Bonita experienced. Glad to know she's on the mend. Can't wait to see a new picture.

    The socks look great.

  4. Well, glad you found out about it early-ish in the knitting. Good luck with v2.0

  5. It must have been so frustrating to rip all of that out. Glad you're back on track!

  6. Aaargh! But as you said, still feeling the love is the most important.

  7. I hope you can find the love and work things out with Bonita.

    Thank goodness those kitties are wearing suits!

  8. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Better to discover the "opportunity" at that stage than when you've finished and seamed everything up - right?

  9. Compromises cannot be avoided. I hope Boita 2 is smoother sailing for you as it is a great looking top!

    I *love* your smooshy scroll sock! What fun!

  10. Imagine all the kitty titties exposed if those girls hadn't been wearing their top(s). You better watch out for the P-man - he's obviously using the internet to troll for pron when you're not home... ;-P

  11. That cat pr0n is a SCREAM! That P-Man has some excellent taste. LOL

    I'm glad to hear that you are back on track with the Bonita and you have some fabulous socks going on.

  12. Sorry about Bonita, and it seems that P-man has grown up to be a big boy now.

    ¡El calcetín salió hermosamente, y adoro el color!

  13. Anonymous5:12 PM

    what a gorgeous sock! And guess, what I worked on my FPS, now I'm on Tier 6! Pictures this week I promise.

    P-Man, you match the flooring so well!

  14. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Ouch! It sounds like it had to be done.

    loveLOVElove the sock! Is it your own pattern? Fabulous is what it is.

  15. The kitty ta-ta reference is killing me. I never would have expected this from P-Man. Such an innocent face.

  16. Ripping is such a drag. Here's hoping Bonita v.2 behaves itself. Purty sock!

    Oh, that P-Man. What a cad.

  17. Oh, my dear! That's a lot of re-knitting but I know it was the right thing to do. And la segunda Bonita will be bonita!

    Naughty P-man. At least they weren't topless :o)

  18. I'm going to have to make getting some of that Smooshy yarn a special goal of mine! :)

  19. Well, yes, thanks for the chuckle! I'm sitting here smiling like an idiot, all by myself. Got to go and clean out under Sam's bed. Will I find something else, or just dust bunnies??? ;o)

  20. Ugh, all that knitting practice! Well the 2nd time around will be even better. BTW, love the sock. I have that book ... must knit that pattern. Happy knitting!

  21. Anonymous7:46 PM

    OMG! I laughed so hard over that kitty cheesecake picture! Definitely a Depends moment!!!

  22. Anonymous10:26 PM

    What in the world has my nephew been up to? Isn't it just like turning over a teen-ager's mattress and finding his stash of Playboys? Tell my sweet boy he needs to behave himself. By the way, where did P-Man get them? I think they are just darling and my Prof. Peach would love them.
    Auntie Ann in Dallas

  23. Oh, that is just like a guy -- stashing photos like that under the bed!!!

    That sent me into a MAJOR fit of giggles.

  24. I'm glad your sense of humor is still intact. Man, that was just painful to read! You're a better man than I am because I'm sure I would have called it quits. I'd give Ms. Bonita a good talking to and tell her she'd better shape up this time!

  25. Oh poor Bonita! Sure sounds like something I'd do IF I were making something larger than a dishcloth! The Smooshy Scrolls looks rather lucious ~drool~ So long as Auntie Carol doesn't get in troble with Mommy, she'll always be on the lookout for treats for the P-Man smoochies boy!
