Is it Groundhog day?
Remember the movie with Bill Murray where he relives the same day over and over again? Well I feel like I'm living that movie! Guess why....
As tired as I am of whinging about my computers I feel the need to continue my documentation because frankly if I wasn't living it I would never believe it myself! Not one but BOTH computers bit the dust in the last 10 days!! I shudder to think what bad karma I'm working off from a past life to deserve all this! :)
The six year old laptop had a brand new hard drive that died one month and one day after purchase. Turns out good old Gateway sold me a hard drive that was incompatible with this older laptop so it worked for a while then crashed. The replacement they sent was so incompatible the motherboard couldn't even read it at all! I know this now because a wonderful NON-GATEWAY computer genius came over yesterday to figure this out! He popped in the right hard drive and voila, FKD returns to the fold! Luckily it was NOT the $700 motherboard repair the geniuses at Gateway claimed was needed! Do you know how a technician earns the status of "senior technician" at Gateway? He finishes his new-hire probationary month!!! Sheesh!
As for computer #2, that one just died completely yet again! It's back to Gateway for yet another "complete diagnostic overhaul" since it has been a mere 50 days since it's last one! I've come to find out that Gateway won't completely replace my system until they've attempted to repair it three times....unfortunately this small fact was withheld from me until now because altho this system has crashed four times already, two of those times I allowed them to send me a new hard drive which I then installed myself so technically this is only the "second" repair. Actually Gateway has already replaced my whole system twice...yes, this is my third "new" computer since January 2005! Unbelievable, isn't it? I can't wait to see what they discover this time!
On to less upsetting annual gyn exam! Just kidding, hehe....bring on the knitting content!
Here's the first four pattern repeats of the Lotus Blossom tank

Speaking of something new, unfortunately the green cashmere of my last post met an untimely demise! The yarn was a gift so I don't know much about it but it turned out to be far too fragile to knit with! The yarn kept breaking as I knit with it and I finally had enough! Even cashmere isn't worth it if it makes you miserable, right!
I did however, start a new sock for Socktoberfest and I am completely THRILLED with my new sock....I give you Hedera from Knitty

I'm using Fleece Artist merino sock yarn (my first experience!) and let me tell you this is YARN!! Sooo soft, perfect stitch definition and such gorgeous color! This is the Melon colorway and it just gleams with soft yellows, pinks and oranges! What a splendid yarn and a fun pattern, everything a socknitter wants! Now if I could just find a computer to make me as least I have the P-Man to cheer me!

No matter how frustrating life can get, how could anyone resist that face?
Hedera and Lotus Blossom are both gorgeous. (I'm off to look up Hedera on Knitty. Too pretty. I'm sure I have some yarn somewhere in the stash to suit.) I don't know what to say about the computer woes. Somehow, "Hope everything gets fixed soon" just doesn't seem to cover it:)
This to certify that the herein named person :FKD: is a certified master technician of the Gateway Corp given her extensive experience and expertise in all matters PC. The P-Man shall be known from this day forward, her technical manager.
KNIT oh yeah, there's IT in it.
I had no idea you were new to Fleece Artist merino. Fine fiber and rich colors. The slightly variageted melon is delish!
BTW, Pumpkin has this look on his face that exudes confidence and says, "Yes. I AM the handsome stud muffin."
I'm always surprised at how gorgeous the Fleece Artist colorways are when they're knit. That sock is to die for!
crazy! i think they say the computers need the $600 overhaul b/c that is where they make money.
so are you going crazy like in grounghog day? that may be fun!
Love love LOVE the Hedera sock - what gorgeous color
oh - ummm ---- MAC anyone??? sorry to say it again - but have NEVER had a problem. and now they have the duo core thingy so it reads PC stuff as well.
seriously - that is ridoinkulous
I think the lotus blossum will be gorgeous! I love the way it is turning out. The hedera is great too. Best of luck with your computer issues.
I have had some horrendous computer problems over the years, but things have been quiet for about 3 years now. Only my hard drive is starting to make noise. Ack.
Despite some really bad service from one company (not Gateway), we had a home service contract with another company (also not Gateway). When they couldn't fix my computer in two tries (replacing motherboard and BIOS, to no avail), they replaced the whole computer, which ended up being an upgrade: double the memory, double the hard drive, all new bundled software. All within a few days.
My laptop? Well, I ended up giving it to a local tech/friend to do whatever he wanted with; it was unfixable (after 5 crashes in 18 months) and tech support was useless. Last I heard, he and my nephew pulled it down a dirt road behind a truck or threw it off a cliff or something. Stuff I wish I had done. :-)
Your shawl is gorgeous.
The socks are terrific and so is Mr. Stud Muffin himself! (good luck on the computer problems!)
The combination of Fleece Artist and that sock pattern is beautiful!
And I have one word for you: DELL.
Okay, now all I can see are thistles. They're beautiful, but they're definitely thistles.
I cannot believe that you're still going through this. I had a similar problem with my hp desktop awhile ago through Best Buy, but I don't think it was ever as bad as this! I think I'd be demanding my money back period and buying from somewhere else!
Those socks are so gorgeous. I really want to knit that pattern, but I was thinking a solid color, but I really like it in slight variegation. Very nice =)
Oh are due for a turn of luck with your computers. Yep, that P-man is one studmuffin. How can your day be all bad when you live with this guy? Love that new sock yarn. I'm going to have to take a look around and see if I can order me some. Never hurts to have too much sock yarn around.
Ah, computers! Too bad we can't frog them and start over again. I have hundreds of photos from when we lived in Spain on a computer that crashes frequently and won't burn CD's anymore. I need to figure out how to save all those photos. Urggggghhhhh.
"Do you know how a technician earns the status of senior technician at Gateway"?
He graduates from high school. Sorry. I've had so many tech support folks that I swear were still in high school. I couldn't resist.
I love the sock. That color is beautiful. It's very..... Florida.
pc problems really suck. I feel for you. the Lotus blossom tank and Hedera are looking great. Cookie A. creates the most wonderful patterns. So you like Fleece Artist? I have some in stash but have yet to try it... so it'lll be something for me to look forward too
What a pretty start to your Hederas! Your cat is really cute, too. I used to have a Himalaian kitty named Hannah.
I love the color variations in that Fleece Artist!
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