Here we go again!!
So I haven't posted since the birthday contest you can't guess why?
Believe it or not, I had yet another hard drive bite the dust!! I purchased it on August 20, it died on Sept. 21!!! The good news is, it's the hard drive I purchased for my old "backup" laptop because of all the trouble I've been having SINCE JUNE 2005 with my "new" Gateways.
And why didn't I use the hard drive intact, new Gateway (that finally is working, praise all things holy!!) to do a little posting you ask? Because of course, my broadband connection is a complete dud! I drop the signal every few minutes and I can't get anything done, including blog posts! The computer finally works and the connection sucks, I can't win! Apparently I live in the Bermuda Triangle for computers! Look there goes Big Foot, he's got Nessie in tow and I buried Paul....sheesh!
I've had four service men out here and so far the broadband seems to be working. They discovered the coding had mistakes in it for my modem and router. At this point I'm thinking 2 cans and a string might be more productive!
I'm not gonna post my knitting updates cause I don't wanna push my luck til I'm sure the fix is working but I will share this beautiful Saturday Sky I took this evening just at twilight....
That's a wicked rain shower off in the distance with the last of the sundown above it. Florida isn't particularly scenic. In fact it's flat and brown for the most part but we do have us some awesome skies!
Of course I can't post without a P-Man pic for his adoring fans....

I'll be back early next week to post lots of knitting stuff so til then enjoy your weekend and knit on!
That is an amazing sky picture. I have to walk 50 yards and point my camera way up just to get a little sky at my place.
Debi, you know we love you -- whenever the stars align to allow you to post!
There will always be a light on the superhighway for you!
p.s. hope Carole and Harvey have left the building...
Oh no! Again? Poor you!
I am all ready for Socktoberfest ... planning to make one pair from the Sock Club and one pair for the husband using the sock yarn from Furryarn. :D
I hate that you are having computer problems. You must have patience of steel to handle all of this hassle.
Let's just say.....I would have been less-than-friendly by now in the situation, and everyone would be afraid of me.
i don't even know what to say any more about those harddrives.
so instead i'll say...nice p-man ;) he's even manly enough to hang out on the flowers. gotta love a man who's ok with a few flowers in his life.
Yo do seem to be getting through them - it must be your magnetic personality :-)
You have definitely had more than your share of computer issues lately. Hope things are truly straightened out this time.
Debi, good luck with your equipment malfunctions. . . .I found you from Karen's blog and LOVE the turkish cast on. . .THANKS for the detailed tutorial.
I am just speechless! You are having the worst luck with computers/electronic connections...
I'm praying that the computer gods are smiling on you soon! ((((hugs))))
And what an adorable shot of P-Man!
Again? This is getting to be just plain cruel. I swear if I win the Lotto, I'll buy the Gateway company for ya. {{P-Man}}
Beautiful sky. Makes a girl a bit homesick!
Hugs to P-man....
Maybe you should ask Gateway if they'd like to pay you to use another brand's machine. They're spending so much on you (or should be)trying to live up to their warranties it would be cheaper :-P.
Honest, Deb, I took one look at the P-man photo and went "awwwwww". He's my wallpaper now!
Hmm - is Jimmy Hoffa anywhere in the near vicinity? I can't believe you are having so many problems. Maybe you have this cursed magnetic field or something. Well, we'll just have to enjoy what we can get of you.
Goodness Debi! You are having an awful time - I certainly hope all of these repair"people" get your computer issues straightened out soon! Thanks for giving us a PMan fix - have a great weekend! :)
Great sky pict! Sending good computer vibes your way. We certainly miss you and P-man!
You do know that computers aren't really disposable? You're supposed to keep them awhile ;)
Maybe I should be telling Gateway that since they can't seem to get it right!
I sure hope this stuff gets working soon. I can't imagine how ugly I would get if I was in your spot.
You know, I know a couple of tough Marines if you need me to send in the brigade after someone ;)
MAN! That is incredible! I can't believe all the hard drive problems you have been having. Fortunately, my laptop is back and working just fine. Lovely sky pics!
Good grief. Is your house haunted or something? I think I'd lose my mind if that happened to me.
Which reminds me, I need to go do a backup.
P-man as usual, is just a hunk. Lucy is trying to figure out how to get to Florida to meet him. Tell him that she wants his number.
Love that Florida sky!!! We sit so far under the trees here in Connecticut I rarely get to see a sunset. Beautiful, thanks for sharing.
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