And the winner is.....
Thank you for all the kind birthday wishes! I had a great birthday and it ain't over yet! Dontcha just love birthday MONTH?
Let me show you some of my favorite yarny gifts....
On the left we have 500+ yards of super soft sock yarn expertly handpainted by yarn dyer extraordinaire, La of JenLa fame.
On the right we have 2 stunning skeins of Handmaiden Sea Silk from yarn enabler and friend Karen of Yarn is My Metier

Pumpkin has a special interest in these prezzies, can you guess why?

See? He's cracking open an eye to peek because the name of the yarn on the left is called "It's the Great PLUMPKIN Charlie Brown"....get it? Plum + pumpkin = Plumpkin and the yarn on the right is 2 skeins in the colorway....wait for it.....PUMPKIN !
Auntie La also sent these along for you-know-who...

I'm beginning to think I should change the name of the blog to
PUMPKIN THE WONDER CAT ....oh yeah, and the knitter he let's bask in the glory that is P-Man cause she can type!
Now on to the great and wonderful BIRTHDAY PRIZE!!

How's that for some serious sock knitting booty? That's 2 skeins (clockwise) of Elann Sock It To Me, a skein of Meilenweit, 2 skeins of Wildfoote Handpaint, a skein of Trekking XXL, 4 skeins of Koigu KPM soild in two colors, a skein of Sockotta and a skein of Opal Petticoat. And the winner is.....
Congrats Holly and thanks to everyone for playing along and making my birthday even more enjoyable!
Of course most of you knew that the mystery project was the Lotus Blossom Tank from Interweave Knits, Summer 2006 but that's ok, I wanted it to be easy :)
Next year I'll make it much harder, maybe!
As I mentioned in my last post the bit of the tank you saw in the original mystery post has splashed into the frog pond - boy ripping out almost 20,000 stitches really made me wanna weep but that's the good thing about knitting - you get as many "do overs" as you need when you don't listen to that nagging voice inside your head!
I've restarted the tank and have completed one pattern repeat. I've also finished re-knitting (and re-knitting and re-knitting) Mom's clogs and they are about to be tossed into the wash for a successful felting, fingers crossed. I'll update you on both of these projects in my next post when there's more to see.
I was lamenting the dearth of birthday chocolate yesterday afternoon when there was a knock on my door....Hark! It was a delivery man bearing a lovely gift bag with a big birthday balloon tied to it.
Inside the bag was a big golden box with 12 of the biggest, juciest, yummiest dark chocolate hand dipped strawberries from my good friend Shawna! O baybee are those things dee-lish! Thanks for saving the day, girlfriend! I'd show you how gorgeous these are were but I can't find my camera I'm too lazy to get the box strawberries are not at all photogenic I don't want to torture you unnecessarily...yeah that's it!
Of course the P-Man enjoyed this present too. Here he is warily contemplating this weird thing now tied to his scratching post....

Hey!! I may have finally found a way to get him to use his scratching post without the bribe of 1000's of treats!

Happy Humpday and may there be lots of good friends, good wishes and chocolate covered strawberries in your week!
Happy belated birthday wishes to you - nice haul! I'm doing a Shepherd Sport sock for my son, I'll have to post pictures of the truly strange pooling effects, but it's so soft and lovely otherwise I don't think he'll care.
So Glad your birthday was so Happy!!! Have a great year!
Oooh. Chocolate covered strawberries. What a great birthday treat!
Yum. Now I want some choc. covered strawberries! Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, chiquita! Looks like you got some fabby prezzies. =)
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to find some chocolate covered anythings. ;)
Glad you had a great birthday. Love the picture of Pumpkin with the balloon.
Congrats on a wonderful birthday.
P-man is going to get that balloon!
Sounds like your day was great! And P-Man got to share in it which is ONLY RIGHT...but I don't think you should change the name of your blog!
YOU are the knitter....get P-Man a blog of his own? lololol!
Glad you had a good b-day! What a great prize:) And good birthday goodies. Love the colorways.
Happy belated birthday! So much going on around here I seemed to have missed the birthday post. In fact I have been so busy I have only just realised - it's my birthday today!
Happy Birthday - Yes, you should have a blog "The Adventures of P-Man and the Knitter he allows to live with him"..Ok, well, it sounded better in my head.
Happy belated!
And while I will have good friends and good wishes, I'm afraid the chocolate covered strawberries part is looking unlikely...
So glad you're birthday was great. Hugs to you... the knitting blog world wouldn't be the same without ya!
Happy Happy even a tiny bit late Birthday! I'm glad you're having a great birthday week - yes it goes for a week for those of us born between the 19th and 21st of September! I made that rule a long time ago :)
May next year be better than this and the one after that be glorious!
Happy Belated Birthday! You know we all come here for the P Man.
Glad you had such a nice birthday!!!! The sock yarn is gorgeous...congrats to Holly!
Hey, I am finally done with the vaccumming and laundry and cleaning ... and have a moment for blog reading. But not for long though ... 3 weeks later I'll be visiting my parents in Hong Kong. ::whew::
It looks like you had a wonderful birthday! Wish the spirit of celebration continues! :D
Great birthday treats and great much-loved kitty! Those yarns are delicious. thanks for your comments and suggestions for which to knit first. I will finish the dale sweater soon--it's fall here in Wisconsin! And, I deserve it. Right after the first baby blanket!
Belated happy birthday. Your birthday yarn is beautiful. I can't wait to see the socks that come of it. As always, P-man is the star. Happy knitting.
I'm glad that you had a happy birthday and that you enjoyed those strawberries. Next time I'll have to deliver them myself and then maybe you'll share a few with me. :-)
By the way, sorry that I didn't call last night...I was so tired that I fell asleep after I got home.
Love ya girl,
Thats one AWESOME haul of yarn! Congrats to the winner! Hope you had a wodnerful birtdhay!
I stumbled upon your site and was taken by the P-Man!
He's utterly adorable : )
Hey, Deb! Happy Belated!
I can't find an e-mail for you, could you e-mail me, please?
rosebyany at hotmail yada yada yada... Thanks!
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