What I did on my blog, err... Summer vacation
I'm finally back, did y'all miss me?
I don't want to jinx anything but I'm hoping the computer issues are ironed out and trust me, I have the gray hairs to prove it! I've already had 2 hard drives (in a brand new computer) die and I've had to reinstall Windows twice on hard drive #3...I wonder if the domain is still available for www.ihategatewaywiththefireof1000suns.com? Serenity now!! :)
**ETA - luckily, I typed up this post and uploaded the pics yesterday BEFORE my computer crashed AGAIN!!! Rather than installing yet another hard drive it's going in for a complete diagnostic eval and servicing so needless to say I'll be out of blog comission again! I do have my well loved and trusty but geriatric laptop but I can't upload pics or visit/comment as I'd like so please bear with yet another absence and I promise TONS of P-Man beefcake when we return, heheh...Enjoy the pics, feel free to comment or email me and again, I'll be back when I can......can I change that domain to www.IREALLYhateGATEWAYwiththefireof1000suns.com ? .......sigh.....
So what did I do during my Evil Gateway imposed hiatus? Well, I knit of course.....Socks, socks and more socks!
First up we have the Lozenge Socks from Knitting Vintage Socks

This was my first time knitting with the exact yarn, color and all, that the pattern called for thanks to a cool trade with my buddy, Dorothy. Thanks again, D!
The yarn is St. Ives in the Grouse colorway. Not the softest yarn but a solid, sturdy "man" yarn and very well suited for this "manly" pattern.
Next I present Fascine Braid in Mountain Colors Weavers Wool. I LOVE this sportweight yarn and I LOVE this pattern!
The adult sized pair is for a very generous blog friend, Karen. She's always sending me beautiful yarn as she lives in the land of 1000 LYS, Chicago!
Since I have no local LYS I coerced her into letting me knit her a pair of socks....can you believe yet another knitting friend who's NEVER had someone handknit something for her? I'm glad to be her first cause she loves the socks so much she even wore them already despite this heatwave!
The teenie socks will eventually go to CIC to warm the toes of a child in need!
Both socks are knit in the Huckleberry and Deep Blue colorways and the adult pattern is a Mountain Colors design called Fascine Braid knit top down. The teenie sock was knit toe up so I could use my favorite Turkish Cast On and use every inch of the yarn!

I love how they both turned out and I hope they bring warmth and joy to the feet they adorn!
My brother and his family were in from California in July so I let my 17 year old niece shop my stash for some new socks....
From the

The pic is pretty close but in person they are even more retina-searingly pink! I used a simple stockinette sock and let the vibrant colorway give it all the glam any 17 year old needs. As an aside, I showed her another pair of socks made with STR in another colorway that flashed and pooled a lot - she LOVED the flashing and thought it looked like bolts of lightening! She really wanted her socks to have that look too....and of course when ya want flashing, ya get perfect stripes, hehe....Oh well, I'll just have to knit more socks til I get it right!
Last but not least, I give you Pomatomus!
These were quite fun to knit and the pattern is intuitive but keeps you on your toes! I've pretty much become a tried and true YO short row heel with mini flap and gusset convert because I love the fit and the look of this heel vs. the flap heel. For my Pomatomus I decided to follow the pattern to the letter and I'm glad I did because the heel is SO PRETTY on this sock! Yes, it's a flap heel but the ktbl makes it quite unique and kept the "flavor" of the sock consistent.

I used Cherry Tree Hill Supersock Merino in the Dusk colorway. I love CTH and I think this colorway is perfect for these socks! These will be a holiday gift for someone special so ssssshhhh, it's a secret but I will definitely make these again someday!
During my blog vacation I've also-
*crocheted a few more medallions for the Carnival Afghan
*started a very pretty new sock (actually I've finished sock one and am just past the heel on sock two)
*finished the back of the Vittadini Cabled Top and am about 5 inches into the front
But I'll save those for another day!
I know that my absence has been very difficult on my readers but I know the real reason why.....so I give you..........

He knows he's the real reason y'all come around but he missed you too! See? he's so happy to be back, he's smiling!
Thanks for hanging in there, I
I am so glad you and the P-man are back?!!! All of the socks are lovely! The little satin bow stringing the pair of kiddo socks together was a nice touch too.
I hope that all of your computer frustrations are behind you, and again I am so glad you are back.
great socks!!!
oh - buy a MAC!! they now can run all your windows apps AND - they just don't really crash. just sayin
Glad to see you back, FKD! :) Here's hoping that all of your computer woes are gone for good
Lovely, lovely socks!
Oh, I do hope the computer issues get resolved soon! I've been seriously missing the P-man and your posts. And that picture of him is wonderful!
All those socks! My goodness they all are beautiful. I especially love the ones for your niece and the adult/kid pairs. Take care of yourself and may you be back soon!
So so so glad to read your new post! Really really really miss you both! Your P-socks are gorgeous! I am planning to make them too ... but when? Don't know ... hopefully soon. :)
Those are a lot of lovely socks. And grrr... on the computer thing (on your behalf I'm going to curse the name of Intel et al - OK?!).
Oh honey, you betcha I love the socks! Such a wonderful present. So is having you back online.
The foulest curses on that computer company and their questionable customer service! They will not win out over FKD!
What a great picture of P-man! He looks so happy! Missed those pictures...oh, and the knitting, too! :-)
THAT is a wonderful photo of the P-Man! And I MISSED both of you but, hehe, ok...Meezer missed P-Man!
The socks are great - love the hot-flash colorway...
I have sent prayers to the computer gods that THIS time, your computer will be fixed! FOR GOOD!
Nice to see you !
All your socks are beautiful. Hope the computer problems are soon sorted.
What a look on his face! Like he knew you were taking it to post on here.
I was wondering what was happening down there in Florida! I can sympathize, my hard drive crashed about 6 weeks ago and we're still wondering how we'll get all the information back. Lost several years of pictures AND the checkbook register. Jeesh, sometimes I hate computers. I sure hope they send you a new computer and quit playing around with this, they have to know it's something wrong, why else is the thing killing new hard drives?Grrrrrrrrr
Hope you're back to blogging real soon.
Sheri in GA
I wonder if there are Lemon Laws for computers
Gateway now has an armchair built in hell for them, for sure: ]] The socks are fantabulous...as always...although...I must admit that I'm not crazy about the heel flap. I think that's the main reason I switched to short row heels; to get rid of the the bulky flap. Hope you get on your PC feet again soon! Buy a Mac! They're better; tried and true : D
-your one and only,
I have missed you madly! Hope the computer issues are resolved soon and you'll be back visiting, commenting and blogging.
Miss you soo much, but seems like you have been using your time wisely. Sending good karma for your computer woes.
Sign us all up for that domain name - we hate having you gone! Hope the computer issues get ironed our permanently this time. You did the St. Ives sock yarn proud - the socks are handsome. Glad you're putting your computer hiatus to good use. I'm writing this from Orlando, so consider this a wave across the state!
Dorothy (Missouri Star)
I have the yarn to knit Vittadini Cabled Top. How is it going? I can't wait to start mine.
GORGEOUS socks!!!! and yes..that is VERY frustrating, not to mention VERY time consuming...way to stay with it! Good luck!
P-man, it's your best pics yet. We missed you and your cat "body servant who plays with yarn". After all. everyone knows "cats have staff!"
Glad you are almost, sort of back:-)
Typical isn't it, a hurricane can't keep you out but a new computer can! hope you get the problem sorted soon - we've missed you and the P-man
So glad that you are both back and well.
of course we have missed seeing the gorgeous P-man.
After reading your glowing recommendation of Phil's darning eggs, I've had an order of egg, noste and bow-tie made and sent to me in Australia.
You are right, Phil is a treasure and his work is sensational.
I'm so glad to see you back (sorta', kinda' - at least until the 'puter is back to 100%). I can't believe it's a Gateway - thought for shure it was a Dell (I monitor the new acquisitions at work and Dell's performance over the past 12 months is miserable). but you'll overcome it - Pman will help :) Great knitting as usual - loved the Pomatomas and HotFlash sox.
Amazing sock inventory you have there!!! Glad you're back - with the P-man - and I hope that you get your computer woes behind you - keep chanting Dell, to the gateway people - that might make em jump!
Great to have you back! Hopefully your computer woes are behind you not to return. Love the socks!!! They are very inspiring.
Computer troubles suck. I can't believe you're still sticking with it... there should be a lemon law for computers. Gateway: You should do the right thing and admit you sold Deb a defect! Give her a whole spankin' new set up!!!
(as if I had any pull with them...)
Hope the computer woes sort themselves out soon, as I enjoy following your blog. Oh, and thanks for the tips on the Turkish cast-on; it's made my life so much easier!
Having just pronounced my old laptop a lemon when the mother board when out after being replaced ten months ago, I have a tiny clue how frustrated you must be with your everlasting problems. Sympathy, sympathy, sympathy!
The socks all look great. Thanks for the hint on how to avoid flashing, which I hate. If I understand, all I have to do is wish for flashing and I'll get stripes instead? Mind over yarn. I'll give it a try.
Love the picture of P-man. He does look so pleased with himself.
Great socks! Wonderful color and patterns. Very inspiring stuff there! I think I will have to start a pair soon. I just broke my first knitting needle in 20 years! Yep, it had to be a size 2 that I need for socks. The LYS is back ordered now for 2 weeks, so frustrating. I'm interesed to see/hear how the Vittadini Cabled Top fits a "fluffly woman". I've been thinking of doing it for myself but didn't want to put all the time into the cables to learn that it "hugs" just a bit too close. Glad to hear from you and see all the pictures. The two of you had me starting to worry.
That picture of the PMan made me forget all the things I wanted to say about ALL OF THOSE GORGEOUS socks! He is toooooo cute! I hope you get all of the computer issues ironed out soon - you certainly are missed!
Love all the great socks!!! Welcome back and welcome back P-Man. What a cute face.
Beeyootiful socks! It's giving me the urge to start a pair, I haven't made socks in a while. Judging by other people's comments on Gateway, I'm betting that domain name is already taken. Let's hope they can heal it this time.
Niiiice...Hope you're not gone too long this time. I need more of your mojo! P-Man is THE BEST smiler I ever saw!
I did miss you, that's a lot of socks you finished up! I wish I could be that productive.
I missed you like crazy!
Glad to see you back again! I have some CTH yarn and think I will attempt the Pomatomus socks with it. What needle size did you use?
Wonderful socks! You have been so busy! Wish I could see the P-man photo, which is not showing up on my computer right now, but it's a Dell from my work, and has crashed twice, so, there you go. :)
Can I please substitute "Cingular" in the domain name above?
Anyway, I do hope your computer troubles get resolved soon. I love your sweet cat photos and posts.
Girl, don't you want to just want to set that computer out on a high ledge and give it a shove? It is so frustrating when something doesn't work, and we just take it for granted when the danged thing comes on every morning without a hitch.
Gorgeous socks! I love the Hot Flash socks; I finally managed to get my hands on a skein of it. You're right, it is retina-searing pink!
P-man is dashingly handsome, as usual. Lucy and Willie say "hi".
The Meezer has tagged the P-Man for a kitty meme, but don't feel you have to rush - just when you get back online again...we miss you! Visit my blog for details!
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