Sunday, April 13, 2008

What's going on at Blog de Fluffy?

Hi everyone, Pumpkin here...

Mom asked me to come on her blog today to let you know that she's been really sick for the last week. So sick that she missed her own Blogiversary on April 10 and still so sick that she's gonna miss World Grits Day tomorrow and the Great
Grits -n- Sticks Contest :(

She's even stopped doing that thing she usually does all the time with those shiny connected sticks and pretty string, can you believe it?

Anyway, she said to tell you she'll be back as soon as she feels human better and she told me I could show you how I amuse myself for hours when I'm not taking care of her....

It's better watching than American Idol, I tell ya!

See ya!


  1. Pumpkin, please take good care of your mom, and deliver my get well wishes to her if you wouldn't mind.

  2. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Hope Mom is feeling better soon.

  3. Poor Debi! I'm so sorry and I hope you're feeling better really soon!

  4. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Pumpkin, I know you're taking good care of Mom - please don't give her any water from your dish without telling her - k? Feel better soon, Debi!

  5. Anonymous8:17 PM

    P-Man, you tell yo' mama we'll have none of that! She'd better get well soon -- or ELSE!!! XO

  6. Take care of your Mama, Pumpkin. Hope she gets better soon.

  7. Awww, you tell your mom to get better soon, or else! Having the ick so bad you can't knit is just not fair.

  8. sorry to hear you're not feeling well! I hope you have a speedy recovery and are able to knit again SOON!

  9. Get well soon, Deb. Sending healing thoughts from IL

  10. you're such a good boy pumpkin~~ xox, Get well soon Deb~~!!

  11. Oh, get well soon, dear! If you're too sick to knit, you must really be down for the count.

    That photo of p-man and his dish cracks me up.

  12. P-Man, you tell your Mama to get better soon now and treat her extra good! I can't believe she's too sick to knit. It must be really bad. :(

  13. Feel better soon, Debi!

  14. Pumpkin, hold her down and make her rest. Purring will provide white noise so she can sleep. Good luck. Nursing humans is tough work, but someone has to do it!

  15. Oh noes! That last pic is so sad. Poor kitty. Poor Mommy.

    Are you sure grits won't help make you feel better? That doesn't seem to make sense in my world. :)

  16. Anonymous9:08 AM


    I hope your Mom feels better soon! We miss her.

    Jan, sadly cat-less

  17. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Oh, and Happy Blogiversary, too!

  18. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Sending good thoughts your way!

  19. Poor Pumpkin and Mamma! She's too sick for grits and he has to be the big boy and take care of her. (le BIG sigh)

    I hope you don't get Mamma's ick from all the lovin' you're giving her.

    I'm sending good health wishes to each of you.

  20. Hope your mom feels better soon little P-man!

  21. Pumpkin, take good care of your mama. Tell her I feel better. And yes, I do agree, it is better than American Idol!

  22. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Hope she feels better soon. If she gets delirious, use the opportunity to get tuna.

  23. Hi Pumpkin, Ferris here. I'm sure that you're taking good care of your mom. I like to sleep behind my mom's knees when she isn't feeling well. I think that that makes her feel better.

    Hey, I have that same water fountain. Isn't it great? Not as good as the bathtub faucet, but a close second.

    Tell your mom to get better soon.

  24. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Deb! Missing World Grits Day!? This is serious. Feel better very soon, and I'll try to have some grits in your name.

  25. Thanks, Pumpkin, for the update. Sorry your mama isn't feeling well. Please make sure you feed her lots of bonita flakes and make sure her water bowl is full so she gets better soon.


    P.S. Grits totally crack me up. Is there a Miss Grit beauty pageant winner for the day? Can you imagine?

  26. No knitting? No grits? What's this world coming to?

    Poor Pumpkin Mama :-( Hopes you get better real soon darlin'. Sending you best wishes and homemade chicken soup from Chicago.

    xoxo - Karen

  27. oh, no Debi. I hope you get to feeling better real soon!

  28. Poor Debi! Poor P-Man!
    Get well very very soon, hon. I know, believe me, I know.
    (given at a considerable distance so we don't swap germs)

  29. Shoot, I go to a convention, trusting that all will be ok until I return, and there you are, sick!

    Snuggle back up with Pumpkin and write again when you feel up to it...we'll be here.

  30. Sending Get Well Soon *Wishes*

  31. So sorry you have been hit by the icky bugs again. Hope you are able to return to the land of the living in a very short time.

    Get some rest!!

  32. Anonymous7:41 PM

    That explain why mama's not answering the phone!

    Get better soon, Deb. Looks like you're in good hands?

  33. Take good care of mom P-Man. Give her a my best wishes :)

  34. Despite the fact that the P-dude is a very good blogger I hope you feel better and come back real soon!!

  35. Is it the flu? It sucks! Just wish you recovery really really soon.
    Is that a water dish? Is there a fish inside? :)

  36. I hope by now your Mom is feeling better :-} What a drag to miss World Grits Day!! Of all things!
    Take good care of her, P-man.

  37. Too sick to knit is a very, very bad sign. Please get well. P-man is so good to let us know. Hugs to you both.

  38. P-Man you must give us an update on your Mom.

  39. Anonymous1:47 PM

    That picture is adorable--and so true. One of our cats' favorite diversion is paper; if it's on the floor, he'll try to get under it; if it's on the couch (and sometimes when it's on the floor) he'll lay on it. Now our other cat, though, she likes to play 'Get Connie to pay attention to Cinnabar as many ways as possible.'

    Feel better soon!

  40. Cats are so much fun! Fun to watch, though not overly good for one's sleep patterns.

  41. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Deb, Are you better yet? I'm getting worried!!

  42. Hope you're feeling better soon!

  43. Happy Blogiversary, and I hope you feel better soon! Too sick to knit, now I'm worried.

  44. Anonymous10:33 PM

    FKD - are you feeling better? Its been a long long time without any new news!
    Hope all is better and you are just too busy to blog.

    Nancy in NJ

  45. Ok, it's over two weeks, and you still have a "she's sick" post up here. This isn't good. How you doing?

  46. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Oh Debbie, please let us know u r ok!!! May 10

  47. Anonymous4:29 PM

    It's been a month, now (May 13), without an update. This lurker is worried enough to delurk and hope nothing's seriously amiss.

  48. Since it is over a month since we have heard from you and your Mom, I am beginning to worry that everything is ok.
    just checking in...
