Thursday, December 13, 2007

My favorite things....

Since I'm doing a bit of clandestine knitting these days I thought I would share some of the things in my life that make me happy.

Oprah's got her favorites, here are some of mine....(and you can actually afford them! woot!)

This amazing soap

I read about this wonderful product on a message board and being in possession of extremely sensitive skin I thought it might be worth a try.


It is not truly a soap as it has none of the harsh additives of soaps. It is made to restore the skin's natural pH and protective "mantle". I dunno know about all that but I will say it is the ONLY soap I will use. I recommended it to my Mom who has very troublesome Rosacea....cleared it up in less than a week! Recommended it to a friend with an acne problem, he saw improvement after ONE use and now you'd never know he had a single blemish in his life!

You can get it here and trust me, you'll be very glad you did!

Florida's beautiful skies...

And her beaches at night...

Seche Vite!!

This topcoat makes your nails strong but flexible so they can survive life's daily assaults. Seche Vite literally translates to "Dry Quick" in French and it lives up to it's the time you finish your last nail, your first is dry! Plus, this topcoat keeps my manicure looking fresh *at least* two weeks, often three! (and yes, I do my own housework and everything!) Good stuff and the only topcoat I'll use! Go here if you crave perfect knails!

Best hand and body cream EVER!

Delicious fresh, clean scent. Lovely, rich, creamy and not greasy and makes your skin so so so soft! Get some here.

Sunflower Sprouts!!!!

I admit, I'm a sprout lover but these are the BEST!! Delicious flavor and a nice chewy leaf at the end...I adore these on a nice crusty whole wheat bread sammie with a bit of cream cheese, some roasted garlic and a sprinkle of green jalepeno sauce...mmmm.....

Who would have thought a fat girl could wax so poetic about sprouts? So you know they must be extra yummy! :)

My all time favorite book...

Get a copy here and have a peek at this book too...another amazing book by this brilliant author.

Bayberry candles - they always smell like Christmas to me!

I love the warm, inviting scent of bayberry and it is tradition to burn them as well as gift them during the yuletide season.

Legend has it that the Bay Tree gave shelter to the Holy Family during a storm. Sweethearts who light bayberry candles when they are separated during the holidays will be united by the bayberry's gentle scent. According to tradition, a bayberry candle lit on Christmas Eve and allowed to burn down to the nub will bring good luck, health and wealth for the coming year. Being very much a woman on the superstitious side, the scent of bayberry is thick and heady around Casa de Fluffy on Christmas Eve, rest assured :)

Since it is a knitting blog, you know knitting and knails are some of my favorite things. Here's my latest...

A color you rarely see here at FKD, in my knitting or my knails -- PURPLE!!

I don't dislike purple, it's just not one of my favorites but I'm loving these!

The yarn is more Smooshy sock yarn in the Wisterious colorway,and my knails are OPI Designer Series "Original" (the designer series is great cause they have a special brush that makes the perfect mani even easier!)

Both have a lot more richness and depth than my photos can convey - the yarn has so many shades of lavender, violet and pink and is really beautiful and the knails are a kind of holographic glittery warm violet. More branching out colorwise, this is becoming a very fun habit!

Of course my very favorite thing is this little cutie...

Wanna share some of your favorite things?


  1. ohmigod - I just LOVE P-man's little white tum tum! And the purple/whisteria Smooshi knitting and knails! Today I will get some bayberry candles - well - maybe not today as it's going to snow up a whomper, but this weekend! And I'll post too - some of my favorite things!

    Take care and please give the Man some scritches for me.

  2. We're getting grey sky and snow today. Did you have to show your sky and beaches?!?

  3. I second your opinion of Susan Howatch! I read both those books ages ago and really loved them. Hmmmm, I thin it might be time for a re-read.

  4. I would right a comment, but I'm too busy sticking my face in the middle of Fluffy P-Man belly...

  5. Nice favorite things. Love the knails and Smooshy.

    Don't worry, some of us like purple enough to totally make up for those that don't :-)

  6. You're got 2 of my fav's listed here.... Florida skies and bayberry candles.

  7. OK.... that's a typo... It was supposed to say You've got 2 of my fav's. I just shouldn't type before I've had my diet coke in the morning.

  8. Thank you for your favorites. I think sharing these things is really helpful. Knit On!

  9. Not just purple, but sparkling purple. Nice holiday touch! Oh, Seche Vite....I don't know what I did before it found it. It is the answer to the perfect manicure.

  10. OOoh I like the purple sock and nails. Very festive with all that sparkle. And the P-man is just too cute. Those little white feet are one of my favorite things about my Simba. :)

  11. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Awwww! P-man cheesecake shot!

  12. That's a perfect match of colourways! I am definitely going to try that soap ... seems like a magic soap to me! :)

  13. Seche Vite...I love that great!

  14. Love the P-Man! That soap just went on my Must Have list. Acne at my age is just shameful. /sigh

    Do you have a Trader Joe? Because their Candy Cane cookies are fabulous.

  15. OMG, P-Man belly. *wibble*

    Your purple sparkly knails rock. Purple metalflake paint on hot rods is one of my fave things, and your knails remind me of it.

    Other faves:
    + yarn (except for muppet fur, but you know that already)
    + Christmas cookies
    + Sam and Dean Winchester from the tv series Supernatural (that Dean is hawt)

    Happy holidays, Debi!

  16. That Seche Vite sounds wonderful! Where do you get it? At a salon?

  17. I love hearing about your favs! I have a bay tree in my backyard. It isn't big enough to shelter a family yet, but it smells fantastic. In fact, one of my favs is cooking with fresh bay leaves. I haven't smelled bayberry candles in a decade. I must go try and find some. I didn't know they had a tradition behind them. You are a font of knowledge!

  18. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Wow, now if you were giving stuff away it would really feel like Oprah. :)

  19. Eat your heart out, Oprah. This list is far better than anything she comes up with!

  20. Thanks for the info regarding the soap and Seche Viste. I am going to try both out.

  21. The P-man is as charming as ever!

    The Wisterious is really knitting up beautifully - which pattern are you knitting?

    I love the idea of your "favorite things" post. I will do a post on my favorite things.

  22. You truly did save the best for last, ya' know? He's such a softie - I just wanna blow raspberries on that belly!

    And the Smooshy is gorgeous, as are the Knails! (I'm gonna try the Body Butter...I love that Clinique!) a Lupie (SLE) I can't eat alfalfa sprouts (Sob!) but I wonder about the sunflower sprouts? That sounds like a yummy recipe!
    And I just might take you up on the "favorite things" idea for a post!

  23. Laughing at Teresa C.'s comment.

    I LOVE sunflower sprouts too! Yum, and they're so healthy.

    Hmmmm, here I always say I hate memes, but this is one I could get into. (The difference is it's my choice, not someone tagging me!)

  24. My favorites, aside from friends and family? Luscious hand creams like the Santa Maria Novella Crema Per La Mani. Chewy Spaghetti sport weight yarns. Any of the Dream in Color or anything from The Knittery.

    But mostly (at the moment) being home from the hospital in my own bed with my fur babies to keep me warm :o)

  25. Oooo, love those knails!!! I'll have to look into that top coat. I'm having really good luck right now with a diamond hard coat from Sally Hansen. I get no chips in the color at all. But, I like the idea of the nails staying a bit more flexible.

  26. I love that clinique body butter! Now I need to remember to buy some. :)

    KITTY!!!! Too cute...must look away... :)

  27. Be nice to you, you're one of my favorite people! Well this post cost me. I bought three bars for my girl with the pimples and a little bath fizz for me;) You're nails look gorgeous, especially next to your knitting. And you know P-Man doesn't need anything to make him look good! Next life, we should be cats, no?

  28. Sigh...adding Seche Vite and bayberry candles to Monday's shopping list. (Because yes, even the suddenly unemployed do still shop - at least for small, soul-satisfying things.) How did I forget bayberry candles? I used to adore them.

  29. Anonymous8:33 PM

    I want to see a Florida sky and beach; instead, I'm waiting for snow :-(

    Love the P-Man!

  30. i love this post! i've been trying to use more natural items (i just ordered a shampoo bar instead of liquid shampoo) and the soap seems like just the thing to round it out.

    since my fav body butter has been discontinued i'm going to have to give yours a try.

    a couple of my fav things:

    - i just started using Avalon Organics Vitamin C products. The face cream is oil free and gives me a lovely matte glow. I buy mine at Wegman's but you can get it online too.
    - my favorite scented candle for a nice clean smell is Yankee Candle's Meadow Mist
    - my favorite scented candle for this time of year is Jack Frost with its pepperminty vanilla scent
    - my favorite tea is T2 melbourne breakfast. it's full bodied with some subtle flavors that are just enough to get me going in the morning.

    thanks for such a great post. i know these kinds of posts take a while to put together but i love reading what you shared as well as all the comments!

  31. What a great post! The funny think is, I was talking to my sister in California yesterday, and she was singing the praises of Seche Vite! Now I guess I'll have to get some ...

    Oh - the last shot of the kitty belly is priceless - he looks like such a sweetie!

  32. Just ordered some of that soap! My Mom is coming to visit & she, my dd & myself all have very sensitive skin (plus Mom & I with Rosacea & dd with acne) so I ordered a bar for each of us!

  33. Going to try out the Seche Vite, love the little pumpkin. all ok? Keep waiting for a new post. Stay well

  34. Anonymous11:38 PM

    You know, this little list is most excellent. I'm always searching for a good soap for my fickle skin, and started using the lemony one you recommended earlier in the week. So far so good. I'm also trying to grow out my nails for a special occasion, and since I don't often do that, I really appreciate your recommendation of Seche Vite. I picked it up today at CVS, and love the way it nourished my nails - they no longer feel brittle and fragile. So, thank you! And happy holidays to you and yours!!!

  35. Deb. As I wrote you privately, I love your blog and loved especially your listing of favorites. Decided to make up my own list and post it on my blog. Thanks for providing such good reads and tips throughout the year. I'll get some of that Seche Vite, I already picked up the book from the library. Searched in vain for Bayberry candles. Is that scent hard to find? Hoped to burn some before the new year for some luck of my own.

  36. I think Seche Vite changed my life! One of my favorite products!
