Friday, June 15, 2007

Come join me for some summer fun!

I'm not much of a joiner or swapper these days, having been burned a few times too many. That kinda takes the joy out of it, ya know? Plus we won't even discuss the fact that I just quit MY OWN KAL* now will we? (I feel guilty, completely relieved but a little guilty - I'm Jewish, I can't help it, it's genetic! heh!)

But I saw this on Beth's blog

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and I thought, "now this is a swap/competition I can get into"!

The "Cliff Notes" version is you have a team, you buy 2 skeins of the kitchen cotton of your choice. Your team member sends you the "relay" box containing 2 skeins of cotton and a little treat, you knit a dishrag with one skein in the pattern of your choice and you keep the little treat, the second skein AND the dishrag that came in the box for yourself. Then you send the 2 skeins you bought, a new little treat and the dishrag you knit to the next member of your team. The first team that finishes wins!!

Cool, right? Plus cheap and even if you get the world's fugliest yarn/dishrag (which I am sure you won't!) IT'S ONLY A DISHRAG! so who cares? So for less than a day of knitting and around $10 doesn't this sound like fun?

If you click on the button, you can get the full version and sign up too!**

** Sorry folks the Dish Rag Tag swap is closed**

Even the P-Man is excited, see?

Why yes, this is his "bursting with excitement" expression, can't you see his raised left eyebrow? :)

Have a great weekend!

* I'm still co-hosting, I'm just not knitting!


  1. I'm already signed up, babe! It's gonna be wicked fun. :-)

  2. Anonymous9:31 AM

    I never understood why you would want to knit a dishcloth in cotton since each ball costs about $6 over here. Then I found out how little cotton yarn cost in the US, and it all became clear!

  3. This has the potential to get BIG. KWIM?

  4. Sounds like fun! But one swap at a time for me! hehehe ...
    Oh P-Man ... still cool as a cucumber when he is bursting with excitement!

  5. Have fun!

    However are you going to get P-Man to calm down? That boy looks r-o-w-d-y. Hee.

  6. That definitely sounds like fun. It seems like I've signed up for a few things, but maybe I'll do that too. Especially since I've been knitting dishcloths lately like they're going out of style. That will give me the reason to knit a fancy pattern!

  7. Anonymous3:41 PM

    That angelic pose doesn't fool me one bit, he's up to something, you can see it in his eyes. He's plotting our demise or something as equally sinister! I just know it

  8. Anonymous5:00 PM

    I can see the excitement in his eyes.

    That's a neat idea for a relay.

  9. Anonymous5:02 PM

    That looks like fun!

  10. What an idea! And yes, I see the excitement there:)

  11. How fun! I've been burned by the swaps before too but this one sounds like it could be a great time. :)

    Thanks for the shrug advice. :) I'll definitely be checking out that pattern. Yours came out lovely!

  12. With my lack of knitting mojo lately I am not even going to do a dishrag. But I had to comment on The P-Man's excited look. That boy is c.o.o.l! But I'll bet he'll dance on his hind legs for treats :)

  13. The Dishcloth Tag sounds like fun. I'll have to pass since my plate is already full with the Hogwarts and Monkey Sock swaps! Have fun. Show us your progress!

  14. Maybe we'll be on the same team! I thought it sounded like such fun also. A quick turn around!

  15. The directions sound complicated--how many balls of yarn do you end up with? However, knitting just a dish cloth is something that sounds easy and fun. I'll bet lots of the treats are chocolate related!

  16. Anonymous1:26 AM

    Dear Mr. P-man,

    I thought about you as Hannah and I went for a walk today. We saw a kitty who looked almost exactly like you except this kitty's face wasn't the same shape.

  17. That P-Man is a handsome guy!!! Deb, just wanted to heads up with you that some of your links on ravelry are not working, they just take you around in a circle. If you are the one that entered stuff, you might want to check it out.

  18. P man is too cool to show he's bursting with excitement. That's what dogs are for. lol
