Thursday, May 31, 2007

We have a button and a debut!

Not much knitting to show here, I'm working on my Thelonious and shockingly I've done a bit on my Forest Path Stole altho I'm not sharing it cause I'm really trying to decide if I am gonna continue to knit it or "know when to fold em"! So pics next time....maybe, heh!


I wanted to share a few things at least.

Here's a button for World Wide Knit In Public Day if anyone is interested. This is the same button from last year and the year before so if some generous soul with photoshop skillz was inclined to make a new one, I'm sure no one would object! Click on the button for a link to the WWKIP Day page....

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

And now to make up for the lack of knitting, I give you the world wide premiere of the fabulous....the glamorous....the ever adorable....

P-Man LIVE!!

Hope you enjoy it (despite the crap video skills and the FKD voice of silliness!) Be back with some actual knitting soon! Gotta go see if Steven Speilberg is ready to take a meeting....


  1. Anonymous1:46 AM

    *pout* YouTube isn't cooperating for me. I wanted to see the P-man!

  2. Your FPS can keep my shawl company in shawl heaven! Thanks for the encouragment of fingering weight versus lace weight.

  3. Love the video - so cute!

  4. its so cool to see the man in action!

  5. Isn't he CUTE!!!! Great sound effects too, Deb :)

  6. Anonymous8:21 AM

    I loved getting to see Pumpkin in action, and hear your voice. I told my DH what I saw, and he said "Pumpkin must not be very vocal, or all our cats would have been in there!" True - he's not a cat of many words, he lets his beauty speak for him!

  7. That is one cute P-man!

  8. Oh, I do love the strong, silent type!

  9. He's such a doll-baby...what a hoot!
    Love his 'tocks...

  10. Pumpkin seems pretty unimpressed with his star status. Wait, maybe he will make a good movie star - he's already practicing dodging the paparazzi!

  11. By the way, I was just at the FPS Knitalong site and neither of the links there seem to be working (at least on my computer). Anyway, I'm still in - I'm on tier 16 and plugging away. I will probably make slow progress over the summer because I have other projects that have deadlines, but it's still an active project.

  12. The PMan steals the show once again! Love him! I don't know if I'll be able to join in worldwide knit in public day this year :( The 9th is my daughter's graduation party - unless I can steal a few minutes, I'll be having some wine, good food and attempting not to cry ;)

  13. LOL! It's really cool hearing your voice! And of course super cool to see P-Man in action ... he is forever so cute!

  14. It's Super P-Man! With his supah sexy 'tocks! LOL What a darling. I really enjoyed the video. :-)

  15. Anonymous7:47 PM

    wow! that's what the fkd sounds like! (kidding)

    You should have threatened him with the Temptation and the scratching post!

  16. Cute! You and P-man :)

    I love your Audrey from Elsebeth Lavold - I have one of her patterns all ready to go - yarn and all. From what you say, it seems like it will be a nice knit.

    Hmmm - interesting to hear your opinion of KP dpns - I thought the same and traded mine away for some yummy sock yarn.

    Have a great weekend.

  17. Anonymous1:17 AM

    Hi Debi, Loved seeing your P-Man in action. He's really a honey. Michael took some pics of the little kittens tonight but they were rotten, blurred, etc, Unfortunately the camera is out of batteries again so maybe tomorrow we'll get new batteries and more pics. They are cute kits. Unfortunately one of the reds died but the other four are doing O.K.
    Ann in Dallas

  18. Lights, camera, P-Man! Very cute.

    Haven't tried the KP double points since I'm totally addicted to my bamboos. The KP circulars are really nice. Pointy tips good for lace knitting.

  19. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Pumpkin is so adorable! Though he looks like he thinks you're don't do him justice.

  20. Anonymous2:37 PM

    P-Man to Deb - She's cracked. I'm going to mess around, be cute and pretend I don't understand all the while plotting the downfall of humanity.
    Deb to Amy - You're not really a cat person, are you?

  21. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Hi Debi
    I am the first one to say, fold em. If you are not feeling the love then leave it for a while. I didn't feel the love because of the yarn and it wasn't the right time. Don't torture yourself. The P Man is too cute!

  22. Anonymous9:22 AM

    You know, I have a small stash of laceweight -- under 10 skeins -- and I've never knit with any of it. I have this fear that the same thing will happen to me! Oh well, I could always sell it!
