They say fluffy women age very well.....
And I believe it cause I know FKD hardly looks a day over 1. Be that as it may, it's true - today, April 10, Fluffy Knitter Deb is 2 years old!!
So in celebration of two wonderful years let's have another giveaway! Wait, you say, what about the last giveaway, who won?
The winner of the delicious Shine is ......
Susan Ginter of Bixby, Oklahoma!!! Susan is blogless but she promises to send me a pic of what she makes with the Shine and I'll post it for her.
So congrats Susan, I'll get your new yarn off to you lickety split! Enjoy every yard grrlfriend!!
Now back to the Blogiversary spoils :)
Giving away yarn is kinda fun, almost as much fun as getting it - almost! So here's what you can win....
First this wonderful little book with lots of nice sock patterns in it, both for the beginner and the more advanced sock knitter.
400 yards of Socks That Rock medium weight in the Moss Agate colorway -- tres yummy!!
Now to win these exciting prizes, you just have to do one thing.
We all talk about the friendships we've made and the great shared resource knit bloggers are but to enter the Second Annual FKD Blogiversary Contest leave a comment in which you share your funniest, saddest, strangest, most unique or most significant experience that happened to you because you are a knit blogger. And if you're not a blogger, you can share what unique something reading knit blogs has brought to your life. And if you have nothing significant to share, wish me a happy blogiversary - come on everybody, wang chung tonight! :)
So join me in the celebration and lets hear what blogging means to you!
The official FKD mascot is waiting with bated breath, see?
He says you have til midnight Friday April 13 (ooo spooky!!) to leave your comment and win a prize so everybody dish, mmmkay? :)
They say it's your birthday, it's my birthday too, yeah.....
Happy Blogiversary!
Happy Blogiversary! De-lurking to tell you that I met one of my closest friends on Eunny's blog! We are both regular commenters, and one day we struck up a conversation, and found out we lived near each other!
Happy Blogiversary!!! Thank you for being in knit-blogville.
It is primarily through knit blogs that I know other knitters. I have been a knitter for over thirty years and have knitting friends for the first time in my life. Despite working and teaching in a yarn store for several years this is really the first time I've had input from and meaningful dialogue with other knitters. Knit blogs have put me together with local knitters and those around the world. Knit blogs renewed my love of knitting and gave it a fresh face.
Okay, I'll stop being maudlin now.
Happy Blogiversary! As for funniest blog moment. It had to have been when I recieved my first comment. I had been talking to myself for months and when my first comment arrived, I practically fell out of my chair squeeing over the excitement that I wasn't just mumbling on to myself.
Happy Blogiversary!
Happy Blogiversary. This online knitting community is an amazing group of people who inspire and share their gifts and talents.... it is a blessing in my life.
Punkin at needle-to-needle DOT blogspot DOT com
Happy blogiversary!
The strangest thing that has happened to me was going into John Lewis in London and being "accosted" by a lady who just had to know what my Clapotis was made out of - because she wanted one just the same. She said it looked just like one she had seen on one of the blogs she read,yes you guessed it - my blog! She was in London just for the day while on a business trip from Holland - I was in London just for the day on a business trip from Guernsey - what are the odds on that! The next time I went to John Lewis (6 months later) the staff remembered me - yes you guessed it I was wearing the same clapotis and it was that they recognised not me - after all the lady I met spent a small fortune on Noro while I was with her - what self respecting sales person would forget that :-)
Happy blog anniversary!!! I've been blogging for a while, so there has been several noteworthy 'incidents'.
Last year while on a 'stash' diet, I was caught red-handed loading up yarn in John Lewis during the summer sales. A reader came up to me and asked me if I was planning to cheat on my stash-in/stash-out counters, because it looked like the stash-in was going to grow by rather a lot. (I always take lots of stuff, walk by the windows to check the colours, etc before buying, but I did feel like big brother was watching over me... helping me from straying off the path, so to speak).
The most unique was going to Maryland Sheep Festival and taking almost the exact photos as another blogger. She left me a comment with the links to her blog. We were standing next to each other. It was just a bit spooky.
I agree ... that cute sock book is a very good one. The yarns are yummy ... and interesting colourway too! But I suppose Pumpkin is not part of the giveaway ... mmm ... no, I don't think so! LOL! Happy Blogiversary!
I would have to say the best moment I had blogging is meeting my friend Elaine. I had purchases some Lorna's Laces from her to try, and it just went from there, we started talking on yahoo chat and then we decided to do a private sock yarn swap and send each other birthday presents. We meet every morning for coffee and bagels and talk on yahoo, we exchange patterns, share experiences and pictures, all this is taking place from my home in Ontario to her home in the UK. I am hoping one day in the near future to visit her in person and give her a big hug. We have grow closer then many people I see everyday :)
Congratulations on 2 years of blogging! I think the greatest thing that happened to me since blogging was all the support I got when my dad died. It felt amazing to know that people all over the world were thinking about me and sending me support. It really helped. I know you know exactly what I mean.
I retired two years ago after having had a heart attack. I took up knitting (again) and discoverd 'knitting blogs'. I enjoy reading about the trials and tribulations of the knitting world.
Happy blogiversary! I am blogless...that way I can read everyone else's and knit more! I have greatly enjoyed your posts and your kitty! I wish I could rub his belly! Congratulations on turning 2!
My socks! (I do have more story, I am not sucking up....)
I owe my library career to knitting.
I learned to knit as a way to stay sane when my youngest was a baby. I joined a Stitch-N-Bitch group and that was FANTASTIC! Friendly knitters who just wanted to talk and knit. I had been thinking about how much I love going to the library and reading, and I had been thinking about working in a library. One of the girls in my group was already in library school--distance ed--at Florida State. She encouraged me, gave me her old GRE book and BANG I was a student! THEN when her library was looking to hire, she recommended me and I got the job. Yarn money!
Knitting has shown how community can help, how a network of friends work together, and how we can all be better with teamwork. Think of Sockapalooza! Think of Knitters Without Borders! For the first time in my life, competing (for a job, for a man, for an A) is not important. There is plenty of yarn for everyone!
Of course, knitters are nicer as well.
Happy Birthday FKD--thanks for spreading the love!
(and I'd feel this way even if there wasn't a prize.)
I don't want to enter the contest (I have won quite a few lately and don't want to be greedy!) BUT I do want to say Happy Blogiversary - I enjoy your blog so much and look forward to more blogiversaries to come....
Happy Blogiversary! I love knit blogs because they are such a wonderful community of people. Not to mention how much my own knitting has blossomed since I joined the blogging community and surrounded myself with knitters. I finally moved on from the poncho/baby blanket stage and have been stretching my knitting wings! My blog isn't all about knititng, mostly only family and friends read it so I try to keep everyone up to date on my life and throw in as much knitting as they'll tolerate!
Congrats FKD! I look forward to what this year has in store for you! Knit on, sister!
Happy Blog-Day! Since knit-blogging I've had the pleasure to meet many area knit-bloggers. The first event I attended (SPA in Portland ME) where I was to meet a bunch of fellow bloggers, I realized that no one knew my real name, as I was only "Pumpkinmama" on my blog. I repeatedly felt very silly introducing myself out loud as "Pumpkinmama, but please call me Erin"
Happy Blogaversary, Dear Deb!!! The most significant thing knit blogging has brought into my life - this knitting family I now have and the wonderful friendships that enrich it.
The strangest? - being accused of a crime!!!! And I'll leave it at that.
Happy Blogiversary!
What does blogging mean to me? Hmmm.....I think it's really brought me out of my shell. Because of blogging, I have been able to reach out IRL as well. It gave me the courage, for lack of a better word, to go to the local SnB. After finding out what great people knitters are through blogland I knew I had to meet them locally. Our SnB is growing and growing, and we have such a hoot whenever we meet.
All that on top of the wonderful things I have learned from the myriad of knit blogs. Such a wonderful giving community.
Happy Blogiversary!
I have been amazed by how knowledgeable and how generous knitters are. I have learned an enormous amount from reading knitting blogs, and from comments people have made on my blog.
Happy Blogiversary! I live rural and my job keeps me kind of isolated from people contact, knit blogs attach me to folks in the "real" world and I have developed a couple of budding friendships from it.
Happy blogiversary!
In so much that my knitting blog is a secret from my 3-D friends and family, the greatest influence having a blog and reading them is the opportunity to meet other bloggers. I run the programmes for my Knit Guild, and through blogging have been able to invite wonderful guest speakers like Stephanie Pearl-McPhee, Amy Singer, Wannietta Prescod and the like! I never would have had the guts to approach them if I hadn't realized how friendly they were through their blogs.
Maybe it's time to tell my family about my blog - but then Ican't talk about them...
They may be called the "terrible twos," but I like to think of it as a time of discovery and independence!
Here's wishing you nothing but the best of the best as you celebrate your blogiversary with us!
Karen B.
p.s. not for nuthin' but one of the best things that have come out of knit blogging? I've made friends with people like you :o)
Happy Anniversary!
I am sadly blogless so far, but I love to read them and my happy blogging moment was meeting all the bloggers at The Yarn Harlot's very bad day in Ann Arbor. She was 3 hours late and the room just became the biggest knitting circle I've ever been to. Everyone was content waiting and having a marvelous time.
Congratulations! Happy blogversary!
You'll be happy to know you're one of the first blogs I ever started to read.
I think one of the oddest experiences was wandering around MD S&W last year with my best friend, who also blogs, attempting to find, point out, hope to see other bloggers. It was like knitting celebrity searching in the middle of a bunch of stinky sheep =)
Happy blogiversary! ;o) What is amazing to me about my blogging life is, that I receive emails, not comments, from time to time from readers who do not comment on my blog, and they tell me how they enjoy my blog and reading about my dogs and knitting stuff. They feel compelled to let me know, and that just warms my hard. Whenever I get one of those, I sit there, blush all by myself, and think, What did I do? Until then I never realized how open this blogging thing is. The whole world, if it would care, could read my rambblings! That scares me a little bit, but I get over it soon every time! Cheers! ;o)
Happy Blogiversary!
Hee. The strangest/funniest thing was when I was at a big craft fair last fall and recognized another woman from her blog. I didn't even think twice--just went up to her and started talking to her. The poor thing looked terrified, like I was a stalker. It took a bit of explaining as to why I "knew" her!
Oh, I can hardly start to think, let alone write, about all the many, many real-life stories and fun times that being a knitblogger has brought me. Suffice it to say, getting to know lovely people like YOU, is one example of it.
Happy bloggiversary, Deb!
Yeah for blogiversaries!
I have to say my most surreal circumstance due to being a knitblogger occurred this last week when I went to see Yarn Harlot. I had so many people I hadn't met before recognize me from my blog and come up and talk to me. Some broke the ice mentioning my tank and others mentioning the Spin-Off article. But, no one would have known me if it hadn't been for knitting blog. It made me feel like I was almost a celebrity :-)
First happy blogversery to you and the P-Man! You indeed have many friends across the knitting world!
I think the best part about reading blogs, other than the P-Man, is finding something interesting, then emailing my DD in Ft. Worth, TX, saying you've GOT to read this! The connectivity is what it's all about, no?
Barbara-Kay in Zachary, LA
Happy Blogiversary, Debi!
I've had 2 significant things happen to me as a reader of blogs. The first is coming upon the blogs of folks in my guild -- I think they realized it before I did! The second is the great boon of winning blog contests -- almost always by random, I believe -- I've won chocolate and a remote control, a complete sock kit with beautiful yarn and pattern, a book with bonus yarn, and yarn with bonus yarn -- all from commenting on blogs I read and enjoy! What fun!
Thanks for being there. You're a great resource for the other fluffies, and for everyone in general, and a happy read! And the P-Man is cute, cute, cute!
Happy Blogiversary!!
I never have any qualms about meeting a knitting blogger in person. On the other hand, my husband always asks me for details about bloggers I'm meeting. So I have to leave names, phone numbers, blog addresses, etc. He just doesn't believe that knitting bloggers aren't stalkers!
Happy Two, Debi! Hard to come up with a story, but suffice to say that blogging has greatly enriched my life! Here's to many more!
Happy Blogiversary!!! And many more to come! :)
My best knitblogger experience is probably the advice and suggestions that pour in when I need them. Actual experience and interactive feedback beat plain ol' book learnin' any day.
Happy Blogaversary!
The best thing to come my way from blogging is all the information that is out there. Your turkish cast on, someone else's instructions for calculating a perfect sock fit, etc. Bloggers are a wealth of knowledge.
I have no specific story to tell, although there is this one knit blogger who is encouraging me (and telling me to lighten up!) as I increase my skill set. She keeps reminding me that it's "only knitting" and to have fun. How can you not appreciate someone who wants you to remember why you love to knit?
And I was really surprised when I sent an email about my having actually cut my steeks to get mails back from the three bloggers I told. There are so many generous, warm in this little community of ours.
Happy Blogaversary to you - thanks for everything I've learned from you.
Happy Blogversary!
Knitting blogs and blogging have brought to me the feeling of community. When knitting took hold of my life, I was alone until I found knitting blogs and other people who felt the same way about knitting that I do. I don't feel like such a freak knowing there are others who feel the same passion for yarn and fiber like I do.
The strangest thing that happened was someone commenting on my blog and raking me over the coals because they had googled "homemade ding dongs" and got to my blog, found out the restaurant where I work sells them, drove down from Seattle and we were out of ding dongs when she got there!
Happy blogiversary! I have made many good knitting friends through blogging, and was able to call on one of them to help out another (neither of whom I have met in real life) with a Stitches request! Thanks again, Deepa!
Happy Blog Day!
How about 'what a small world'? I posted a photo of the front of my LYS because their tree was in bloom. I got a comment from a lady in Kansas who said she'd been there while visiting her MIL. I mentioned it to my LYS owner the next time I saw her and she remembers the MIL, the lady and her little boy. Talk about your small world.
Happy blogiversary! I have two things I'm really thankful to the knit-blogging community for.
First, of course, is the community itself. Muggles look at me strangely when I tell them about it and don't quite believe it, but it really is amazing. I've "met" so many people and have gotten so much encouragement, giggles, and warmth.
Also, I've really expanded my knitting skills, and have found that I no longer fear that anything is "too hard." I see a pattern I'd like to try, I try it. If I don't know something, I look it up. Knit bloggers are so great about sharing their knowledge and experiences that it's now easy to learn new things. It's like having thousands of teachers! I love it.
Happy Blogiversary! I know reading other knitting blogs has encouraged me to grow in my kntting. I would never have knit my first sweater if I hadn't been for Rabbitch. And reading blogs in between phone calls keeps me sane at work!
Happy Blogiversary FKD! And the P-man, wouldn't be the same without him.
Nothing weird has happened since blogging but I feel like I have a bunch of great friends all over the world and we don't even know each other exists! I don't comment on too many blogs but I sure do read a lot!
Sheri in GA
Congrat's on your blogiversay. Friday is my hubby & my bday's (he is 3 years older tho). I believe I was born on Friday the 13th too (it was 1962). jana
Happy Blogiversary! Blogland is such an amazing place with so many wonderful people. Going to Rhinebeck and meeting SO MANY people face to face and not feeling like we were strangers was one of the best things to happen to me ever. May you have many more years here in Blogland Debi!
Happy Blogiversary. I don't have any funny stories that happened because I was a knit blogger, but I have met a couple of bloggers and well that's always fun.
Happy Blogiversary! I don't have any particularly moving knitblogging stories, but I will say that I don't have any real life friends who knit, so it's been great for me to connect with other knitters by reading blogs and by having my own blog.
Happy Blogiversary!!
As a brand new blogger myself, I don't have many stories yet, but am still amazed that I have readers, subscribers (already) and commenters! I have been inspired by so much on the knitting blogs, and sustained by reading about knitting through three arm surgeries (and so being forbidden to knit several times), that I think that's the main reason I started mine. I hope I can inspire someone else.
Well, I'm a blogger, but the fun friendships I've forged are actually from participating in swaps & secret pal programs. I signed up for a Knitters Review swap and had an amazing connection with my recipient, Nicola, who lives in New Zealand. We have become super-close friends and never, ever would have met without the internet.
And then there's my One Skein Swap pal, Maia, who spoiled me rotten during the program, and who is still someone I enjoy chatting with via email and by following her blog. She & I have a frightening amount of things in common, including our love of dogs and being both knitters and spinners. She's another good friend I would have missed w/o the internet.
Thanks for asking for these stories--it makes me feel warm & fuzzy to think of all of the good vibes going around today.
Happy blogiversary!
Happy Blogiversary!
I don't have a blog but I enjoy reading a number of blogs. Makes me feel like I'm reading notes from friends.
Happy Blogiversary!
I haven't managed to keep up (I've been reading for a while but I think this is my first comment - sorry 'bout that). I missed the Carnival Throw post. It's gorgeous! It's so beautiful I'm almost tempted to learn to crochet properly.
I've only recently begun reading blogs but I've already "met" some very nice people and hope to continue to do so. I've also been inspired to actually try to knit socks because of blogs and I'm having a blast with that. And, I've found lots of techniques and lovely patterns that I'd never have known about without the world of knitblogging so I am very grateful to all who blog about their knitting.
Happy Blogiversary Debi. I'm not a blogger but an avid reader in blogland. Reading blogs has helped me focus and try new things I wouldn't of tried had I not read and been encouraged by the blogger writing about them. Be it new yarns, patterns, or a recipe my horizons have been expanded greatly. I no longer feel like the "lone" knitter.
Happy Blogiversary, knitbloggers are amazing people, swaps, meet-ups and real life and virtual friendships that stem from blog reading are fabulous.
Happy Blogiversary! My strangest blog moment happened over the fall. I was at the park with my grandsons and a woman kept looking at me. After a while we both ended up by the swings where she commented on my grandson's socks. "They look better in person than on your blog." Turns out her mom is a knitter and pulled up my blog to show her the sock yarn she wanted to use to make socks for her granddaughter.
I should have posted this last month when green was acceptable, being green with envy that is. Knitting blogs rock! Maybe one day I will be as good.......and I love to see all the colors in yarn.
Thanks Debi! I look forward to trying!
Happy Blogiversary! There have been many wonderful things happen because of blogging. The best being all the new friends I have met (some I've actually met in person!).
Other significant and wonderful things; last fall I asked for support in raising funds for a cancer walk I was doing in honor of a friend and was amazed by the support I received from fellow bloggers. Also, right now as we "speak", there are several knit bloggers making squares for a blanket for that same friend! What a wonderful community this is :)
Happy Blogiversary, Deb!! To be honest, I don't think I could find the time to tell you about all the wonderful bloggers I've met since starting my blog almost 2 years ago. Knit and craft bloggers are some of the best people and it so refreshing to come online and 'hide out' with such amazingly talented and just darn amazing people. I'm so glad I was able to meet you and so many others in this blogging world of ours. What was life like before blogging? Was there life B.B.?
Happy Blog birthday Debi!
Reading through these comments is a blast. The overwhelming thing that strikes me is that everyone, including me, is blown away by all the wonderful friendships we've made through our blogs. Knitters are such a bunch of lovely generous people!
However, the weirdest thing that happened to me as a result of my blog is that I was approached by a writer for Better Homes & Gardens for an interview about knitting. That was such a trip.
Happy Blogiversary!
I have knit since I was a child but it wasn't until I starting reading blogs and blogging did I become a rabid knitter. I like to think of it like televisions. For years I watched a black and white set and then along came the color version and I can never go back.
Happy blogiversary!
I'm not a blogger, but knitbloggers have provided me with advice and inspiration (as well as a great way to procrastinate...).
Happy blogiversary!
I think the happiest yet saddest moment that has to do with my blog to date has been the overwhelming amount of support that I've gotten over the passing of my cat Cookie. It's shown me what a wonderful group knitters are and what a magnificent bunch of friends I've made.
Happy Blogiversary!
Hmmm...this is pretty "sad". I tell people that I am a knit blogger and that I read and visit knitting blogs, and I get laughed at. Happy moments occur, of course, when winning prizes off blogs...and getting to know great people through their blogs and via emails (like I've done with some).
Happy Blogiversary! I too, am coming up on 2 years and can hardly belive it.
Even though I don't feel like I share as much as I "should", I can't believe the happy close feeling I get when reading a few particular blogs. There is no doubt that both knit blogging and reading knit blogs has broughtr some wonderful people into my life that I otherwise would never have met.
Hi Debi!
Happy Blogiversary! I am a non-blogger who is yearning for some Moss Agate yarn and a pattern book to go with it! And for a chance to win, here's the story of the unique something that reading knit blogs has brought to my life:
I moved back to Canada at Christmas time, bringing my English husband with me. We arrived in Nanaimo far sooner than planned, brought here by a terrible 2006 of lost jobs and a house fire. An advantage to our shellshocked arrival was broadband! In England I couldn't entertain reading blogs because our ancient computer and dial-up meant that each page took 20 minutes to load! Ick!
Once I realized that there were many many knitting bloggers, I was hooked! As many of you know, it can take a while to find friends in a new town. Especially knitters. I had researched a group of knitters in Nanaimo who meet once a week, but they meet at Sunday dinnertime (not very convenient) and there are very few members (3 including myself!) In Brighton, I had knit with a great bunch of women(up to 20 of us), and had really enjoyed the camaraderie of knitters. Knitters are special people - they are supportive, friendly, accepting and amazingly creative. In just a few months, I've seen bloggers raise big money for worthy causes, share patterns ideas and love, and frighten muggles with "representing!"
The "unique something" that reading blogs has given me is a sense of belonging to an enormous community of amazing people. Thank you. -Susan
Happy Blogiversary!
One time it turned out a commenter on my blog was a former classmate. It's also fun to get a comment from the designer of the pattern I've just knit and blogged.
Happy Blogiversary!
happy blogiversary. Reading blogs gives encouragement to see the beautiful things that one can make. Made me want to improve my skills. i was sharing how i read blogs with my family, and they just didn't seem to understand. I get such inspiration to try new patterns.
Hi Debi! Yes, same co. We were bought by another who decided we're too expensive to keep in FL. Everything will OK! Mostly, because I have some great friends like you :) oxoxo
Happy blogiversary! You don't look a day over one! I'm enjoying catching up on your posts and am off now to add you to my bloglines. Would you mind sending me your e-mail address so I could send you the photo that you requested on my blog? Thanks!
Sincerely i was so crushed when my Husband of 8 years left me and moved to Texas to be with another woman. The pains was just too much for me to bear that I couldn't just bear it anymore. So i had to reached out to the Internet for help until i found out that DR ZUMA was the real deal. I almost gave up trying to get my Ex Husband back in having a happy, Lovely and a contented family again.. I had tried the whole lot I knew, and with your spells, blessings and extraordinary magical powers, you did all the work for me, which you have guaranteed me positive result in 4 DAYS, my Ex Husband came back to me and he was remorseful for the whole lot he has done. And now my life is balanced and i am happy again. DR ZUMA you did a great service to people, and I don't think many people had known about you. You are the diamond in the rough. Thank you DR ZUMA You are talented and you give off yourself so freely like you did to me. Thank you for weaving your magical love spells for me and MY HUSBAND. He is back to me just the way it was when we first met.. from the depths of my soul! I am immeasurably happy now.. now my man is back to me just in 3 DAYS, as you have said Thank you so much sir, Lots of appreciations.. Here is DR ZUMA Email: WhatsApp him +15068001647
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