Sunday, April 08, 2007


Hi there! :)


  1. I missed your previous post - has Bloglines been missing you? Shoot.

    Well it caught this!
    NOT going to believe that my word verification is
    Why yes...I am...

  2. Coming in clear via Bloglines.
    Nice to see ya back.

  3. Me, three! Blogines came through.

  4. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Hi to you, too. If you were testing Bloglines, you're there.

  5. Hey yourself. Love the waffle sock, btw, purple and all. I think I have that color in my stash...

  6. Hello back. You are coming in loud and clear through Google Reader :-)

  7. I just checked my Bloglines maybe five minutes ago (I am up with insomnia) and it was EMPTY. No highlighted feeds. I went downstairs to let Vincent out, came back up, and yours was highlighted. It's 12:50 a.m. Monday morning. I see that several other people saw you HOURS ago. I just don't get the way these crazy-nutso feeds work. Harumph.

  8. Anonymous4:32 AM

    Test sucessful - you are showing loud and clear in Bloglines too :-)

  9. Good Morning! Yes, we're checking back :)

  10. I've missed your last 3 posts! What is the deal with my bloglines not updating.....I hate it when my technology disobeys me!

    I missed a HUGE p-man matching FO, a knitclips review AND the posting of some socks that look good enough to eat (blueberry waffles is a perfect name. I think I need more trekking in my stash!)

    But I'm back now!

  11. Hear you, loud and clear - How's the weather down there?

  12. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Hi right back atcha!

  13. Anonymous10:55 AM

    You're back! I've apparently missed several posts due to Bloglines losing you, but it does seem to happen sometimes with various blogs. Oh well, as long as I can catch up one day with everyone ... glad to see you again!
