Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Miscellaneous fun or there is occasionally life besides knitting or bitching at computer techs!

Since the knitting around Chez FKD has been less than stellar because of interminable hours of Gateway grief yet again** I thought I would share one of my favorite vids of all time.

I am completely in love with this man....great sense of humor, totally HOT! completely endearing boyish smile and a COOL SCOTTISH ACCENT!! ::::SWOON:::: And he's talking about my beloved (!!) Florida. Have a gander and a good laugh....

Hottie Scottie, right? I love me some Craig, baybee!

And now for you La, the ecstasy of the feets...

Have a little fun and hopefully I'll be back soon with some actually knitting!

** so yes, things are working again (for now - no jinx, please!) but I have actually contacted the Consumer Protection Dept. of the Attorney General of South Dakota to file a formal complaint cause more than a year of this %^&*$% is more anyone should have to bear!!


  1. What cute widdle paws :-)

  2. Love those kitty paws.

  3. Anonymous7:54 AM

    I cannot begin to tell you the problems we had with Gateway!!! Horrible horrible company!! After being sent 3 computers and 2 monitors and being yelled at by the manager at the store in my town(he apologized in front of all his employees) it worked at a minnumum for a couple of years. We went with Dell next. Let me tell you, its Dell all the way with us, love the company, love the computer!

  4. I can't tell you how many people I've heard hate Dell. :)
    Thank you for introducing me to Craig (I must not stay up that late?) and great kitty paws...my favorite red and white kitty boy...

  5. Anonymous11:07 AM

    At this point I think Gateway should have to get you a new computer. A new non-Gateway computer!!!!

    Loved the video.

  6. I can't believe you're still having problems! What a mess. I hope it gets better immediately, if not sooner.
    Good luck bringing a suit against them, you so deserve something for all your time and frustration.

    I love me some kitty paws. Very cute.

  7. How about if I bring my laptop and we share it while I live with you in Florida?

    It's 6 degrees in SW Michigan today and the weatherman is talking more snow. I want out NOW!

    But no hurricanes allowed.

  8. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Oh what cute kitty feet. So very, very sweet.

  9. Anonymous3:58 PM

    LOL! I hope things are fixed for good now! Great Photo's - glad to see the sun must be out again!!!

  10. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Yes, The Big Tease is such a funny movie. I was just looking up the name myself cuz I couldn't remember it.

  11. Such sweet paws! Love the Craig clip! He's got sweet pawd too from the looks of him -- but I must admit it's the grin and the accent. So typical of me, but there you have it!

    --Shelob from Knitters at Work

  12. pink paw pads! awk!! too cute

  13. Go get em Debi! A hot Scot and some close up P-Man shots...ahhhh

  14. Awww such cute iddy biddy paws.

  15. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Dang, bloglines was misbehaving and I didn't know you had new posts.

    Love the little toesies.
