Saturday, April 08, 2006

Stacks, sniffing, socks and stash maintenance.....

But still no shawl :(

I'm going thru some personal stuff that's made me kinda sad so I find it hard to concentrate on anything that needs my full attention. Sigh....

Even tho my Diamond Fantasy Shawl is pretty simple lace, it's more than my brain wants to handle! I hope I get my lace mojo back soon cause I'd hate to be empty handed on Mother's Day which is barely a month away! Of course I could *buy* a gift but I know FK Mom could really use a nice cotton shawl! Maybe if I sleep with some Addi Naturas under my pillow, hehehe...

I have taken some solace for my loss of mojo in a habit I'm glad to share with so many of my fellow knitters, so many that there's even a button for those like me....yes, I confess, I'm a sniffer! And thanks to
Grumperina, we sniffers now have a button to display our solidarity, see?

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Thanks, Kathy, for letting us sniffers come out of the closet! Now all you yarn sniffers out there, unite (and yoink the button but save it to your own server!)

Now, I haven't been entirely unproductive, just not using my brain :)

I give you, MEDALLIONS!

You're not looking at some bizarre breakfast food from another planet, you're looking at 34 medallions for my Carnival Afghan! I actually made two more to add to the stacks since I took the pic so I'm more than 1/3 of the way to a completed afghan! See, I'm no slacker!

I really want this afghan to be finished by next fall so I try to produce 1 or 2 medallions daily. I adore the colors I chose, the medallions are very easy to crochet so it's very pleasurable for me to work on these and I'm really enjoying it!

I've also completed the first sock of my GGH Marathon Socks. It's been so long since I've knit a plain stockinette sock but I'm enjoying the Zen and process of just knitting round and round, watching the stripes form as they may. Yes, Margene, it's rubbing off :)

Aren't they attractive and manly?

I added another button to my side bar too. I've joined the Yarn Focus Challenge coordinated by Rebekah of Knit Knack.

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The Challenge isn't a "yarn diet" per se, it's more of a way to focus on items we really want/need rather than just impulse purchases. We all know how easy it is to see something lovely on another blog and, bang! the yarn is just a click away!

I'm not a big yarn buyer when it comes to sweaters and such but I am completely addicted to sock yarn!! So pretty, so many colors, so many patterns to knit with...ack!!!! I have determined that I probably have enough sock yarn for every foot in Ft. Lauderdale! Ok, that may be a *slight* exaggeration, but only slight!!

So I joined up!

The Challenge lasts for three months and allows you one "free" day per month to purchase the yarn you really want but the "waiting period" gives you time to reflect rather than buy on impulse! I must say it's been hard already because I've been feeling down and my usual mood booster would be a nice new skein of Trekking or Bearfoot! So I know I'm in the right place, controlling some of those impulses! If you're interested in learning more or joining, sign-ups are open til April 15th so go pay Rebekah a visit and check it out!

Now the P-Man wants to wish you a wonderful weekend full of beautiful spring weather, blue skies, even stitches and knitting mojo!

And when we return next week, it will be a day to celebrate!


  1. Debi, I pray that whatever has mad you so sad will soon be right again. Your medallions are very pretty, love the color combinations, and the socks are great - I just LOVE socks :) P-man is just way too cute!

  2. made not mad (sorry)

  3. Anonymous10:41 AM

    I'm sending happy thoughts your way, hoping your sadness goes away. I love the smell of wool. I don't think there's anything (except maybe fresh ground coffee) that smells as good as wet wool. And I can sympathize about the stash stuff. I'm a terrible impulse buyer (dare I say that you're a great enabler? : ) So, I'm not on a diet, but I am on a budget and I'm trying to look at what I really want and if necessary save for that. Thank goodness my sister has given me a gift certificate for my favorite shop in Seattle so I can buy some Bearfoot! Dorothy (Missouri Star)

  4. Debi,

    Here's hoping the sadness lifts in a jiffy. Remember, real life or virtual, your pals love you!

    BTW, I agree that you are quite the enabler. My darning egg arrived yesterday and she's a beauty.

    Karen B.

  5. Sending good thoughts your and P-man's way.

    I've joined Rebekah's challenge, too. Though I ordered three skeins of Trekking the day before it started to hold me over :)

    Take care!

  6. After doing the Flash your Stash challenge and discovering that I have enough yarn for 100 pairs of socks I think it may be time to join the yarn focus challenge also! Sending you bright thoughts ;)

  7. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Sending lots of love and good thoughts your way. I'm counting on you P-man to give FKDlots of snuggles.

  8. You are definitely no slacker, a yarn sniffer, but not a slacker! Your socks are lovely and manly, just as you hoped for, and as always I am happy to see the P-man. Natty sends a shy hello as well.

  9. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Sorry to hear you're feeling blue, if I can help feel free to email me ( I'm a good listener)Hugs to you and the P-man

  10. When the forecast expected to have showers, it was blue sky white clouds here! So, my internet connection has been working well this afternoon. So, I can read your post without any interruption ... and learn that you can really need a hug! Sometimes sadness requires time to "be digested" before it can be flushed out of the body. So, take your time, girlfriend. When the time comes, sunshine would be on you. My thoughts are with you and P-Man.

  11. Deb, sorry to hear that there is something making you sad...hope things will be better soon. Sending out good thoughts vibes your way. Those crocheted medallions are beautifu, and so are the socks. And it's so cool to see the P-Man's cute little face!

  12. Sorry about the personal stuff - I hope all will be right in your world again very soon. I know what you mean about impulse buying from reading blogs. You are the great enabler, after all.

  13. I'm sorry you're feeling blue - know you're not alone, ok?

    I'm going to have to join the stash challenge. Even though my finances are limited, I've been sneaking in a bit here and there. I have too much to store and have discovered I'm a miser. I don't want to use any of it up because then I won't have it to use anymore! Talk about twisted, eh?

    Sending you and P-man hugs and wishes for the funk to lift.

  14. Hugs to you, Debbie! No one deserves sunshine and happiness more than you! It makes me so sad to hear that you're feeling so blue... if there's anything I can do to help, I'd like to return your gracious offer and let *you* know that I'm just an email away. You're in my thoughts and prayers and I hope that whatever it is that is making you sad will soon be over and resolved. Your medallions are looking beautiful- love that color combo!! And stockinette zen socks sound like just what the doctor ordered for getting that knitting mojo back. ;-) Thank you so much for all your support and good wishes this past week- it's really meant a lot to me. Now it's my turn to wish you and P-Man lots of sunshine and happiness... big hug and take good care, Debbie! :-)

  15. Lots of (((hugs))) to you while you try to get back your lace mojo! I'm new to socks and learning the addiction, so I think I'll check out the Yarn Focus Challenge myself! (thank you!)
    oh, and head scritches to P-Man!

  16. I'm sorry that you're sad, and hope that the mojo comes back soon!
    The p-man is handsome as usual, and those socks are quite lovely as well.

  17. Anonymous2:51 PM

    okay so I was looking at the sock yarn and thinking, oh I love it. Then I realized I have that sock yarn in my stash. I really have way to much stash.

    What a cute cute cat, I just love his nose.

  18. I hope that your sad situation lifts soon, and your mojo returns. Lace can be too much to focus on sometimes. I think the stockinette sock is perfect for bad situations and it looks lovely ;) Very manly.
    If you need anything, I'm there for ya', my sock queen!

  19. Maybe it's because I'm hungry but your medallion stack reminds me of a big Mac. :)

  20. Oh dear! I hope whatever it is that has you down and mojo-less passes quickly. As far as the Yarn Focus goes, yesterday I surfed the Net, filling up shopping carts at Elann, Patternworks, etc... then I deleted them. :::sigh::: It's just not the same.

  21. Anonymous9:26 PM

    I hope you're doing okay sweetie. You deserve to be happy.
    I'm a yarn sniffer too, and proud of it. Yarn smells gooooood.
    Love your medallions! Those colors are great. I can't wait to see them all done and together!
    Good luck on your yarn focus. I don't have the will power to join something like that.
