Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Meet the Ribbys

Meet Manly Ribby....

I'm always knitting socks for Dad but haven't knit him a sweater in about 25 years and I thought it was about time to revisit that even tho we don't need warm woolies very often 'round these semi-tropical Florida parts. We *do* have seasons and it's all relative as we Floridians are acclimated to HOT so when the thermometer hits um, 60, we're all freezing!! :)

I wanted a nice, warm comfy sweater for the 'rents and Ribby fit the bill!

I knit the Mom Ribby a few months ago and finished up the Dad counterpart during my powerless Wilma days! Here's Dad's....


Pattern: Ribby Cardi designed by Bonne Marie Burns of Chicknits - flat front, ribbed back, collared version Size 44 - 45

Yarn: Elann Peruvian Highland Wool in Redwood - 13 skeins

Needles: US #7 (4.5 mm) and US #8 (5.0 mm) Addi Turbo circs

Mods: I knit the sleeves to 20 inches and the body to 17 inches before the raglan decrease for a more manly fit. I also did the sleeve increases as a flat panel rather than increasing in rib to decrease the cling factor. Despite these mods, I used less yarn than the pattern specified...odd!

Custom length separating zipper from Zipperstop - mailed them a butterfly of my yarn and in 3 days I had a perfect zipper for $5 including shipping!! I HIGHLY recommend Zipperstop for your zipper needs!

Wonderful pattern...well written and super easy to follow but we already know that about Bonne Marie's patterns! Just a great all around basic sweater for any member of the family that I plan to knit again and again! And now I present

The Ribby Family....

Even tho my photography skills are rubbish (it was too sunny, yeah, that's it!) I'm including this pic so you can see my "new" post Wilma view! There used to be two huge trees outside my balcony that now do so many now. So many that I practically have an "ocean view" condo :(

On that note, post Wilma update: things are still pretty ugly at FKD and the rest of south Florida. Some people are still without power! I finally got a service guy to come and give me an estimate on the door repairs....almost $7000 for "just" my front and sliding glass doors! I may have to sell a kidney :) I keep telling myself "that which doesn't kill me, makes me stronger!" and I know there are people worse off than I. At least I have my blog buds, knitting and the P-Man! See, he's chillin'...

What? Me worry?
Doors? We don't need no stinkin' doors!

I'm working on sock #2 of the Neighbor's Mountain Colors Thank You socks and yes, I am still working on the Ocean Lace Stole. It's not like me to procrastinate on a project like this but I really hate the yarn!! I'm not a boucle lover and it's the first time knitting is more a chore than a pleasure! So I'm determined to finish soon so I can move on to some fun knitting.

Enough whinging, is it December 1st* yet?? :)

One last note.....Thanks for the great response to my Fluffy Hurricane Sock pattern. Seems many of my fluffy footed bretheren have been making do with very cold feet while knitting "regular" socks for everyone else! I know when you are outside the "average" it can be daunting to change a pattern to suit your needs. I've been knitting socks, so many socks, for three years now and the Hurricane Socks are only my second pair! So enjoy the pattern and keep contacting me if you need a copy. I plan to design more fluffy socks that I'll share as they develop. No foot should be unsocked no matter how fluffy :)

Knit on, friends!!

*hurricane season ends on November 30th, please God!!


  1. So your parents are visiting you? They live in Florida too? I remember you said their place was okay after Wilma. They are looking good and smart in their ribby jackets! Thanks for the tips about Zipperstop ... after buying one zipper from Jo-Ann's, I think I would need Zipperstop. ;)
    Take care ...

  2. Hi! I came across your blog through Lolly's. Your Ribby Family is wonderful!! And how cute are your parents in their matching cardigans?! You did a fantastic job on both of them. And living in Hawaii, I hear you about 60 degrees being frigid! ;-) On a more serious note, I'm so sorry to hear about all the destruction and hardship that Wilma has brought your way. I can't even imagine how difficult that must be. Best wishes to you and your family.

  3. Fabulous sweaters and very attractive models! My own Ribby is still under construction - I was doing the ribby-all-over and now I'm thinking I wish I did the flat panel. Knitter's remorse?

  4. the parents look fabulous in their ribbys! i'm impressed with how well they fit. i think it's harder to fit other people since you can't measure a thousand times!

    ps -- this jersey girl can't help but giggle that you get cold when it hits 60 ;) i know it's all relative, but i do think it's cute. don't worry though, you can laugh right back in august when i'm melting and you tell me it's mild!

  5. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Your mom and dad look adorable in their ribby cardis. Great job!

  6. Lovely ribbys! I have been toying with the idea of using the pattern to make one for my favorite spouse....and after seeing yours its a definite! Love them.

    Now P-man needs one!

    I have a friend who works for an insurance comapny and he has been in FL since the hurricane, leaving his family behind. Last year he was gone for 2 months, his poor wife pregnant and two other crazy kids to chase around--same again this time, only the baby is 6 months. Hurricane is hard on everyone!

  7. Hey Debi! A Big Hug & Kiss to YOU! and your adorable parents...

    What a wonderful daughter (did I mention TALENTED!!!!!)


  8. I don't which looks better, those ribbies or your folks....they look so sweet!

  9. You're parents look so cute in their sweaters!
    Good luck getting your doors installed quickly so you may be free to leave for a few moments (to go get more yarn ;)

  10. Anonymous9:35 AM

    I love the ribbys and especially the shorts with the wool sweater! What cute parents!! Hmmm - 60 degrees sounds like summer in the Pacific Northwest. At that temperature we break out the barbecue and put the top down on the convertible (well, we would if we had one!). Ever think about designing socks for us skinny footed people. My feel are about average length, but narrow and I really want to do more socks without having to alter the pattern. I know I can do it - will work on that while on vacation. Dorothy (Missouri Star)

  11. Those sweaters are FANTASTIC! My family wouldn't appreciate anything like that. More time to knit for myself. :)

  12. You're parents look super-smart - good work. I can see that "jacket" (not cardigan, of course) would work well for my ultra-fussy brother.

  13. Anonymous1:54 PM

    OK the 'rents are adorable!

    I say if Mother Nature doesn't pay attention to her calendar this year that you and I take her out back and mess her up a bit! Its been a long time since we've had an "Oops its December" hurricane and I don't think she needs to be pullin' any of that trash this year!

  14. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Your parents look wonderful in their Ribbys. I especially like the two colored version. Zipperstop is great. I ordered zippers for the triplet's sweaters and they matched perfectly.

  15. The Ribbys look fabulous. Love the picture of your parents (say hi from me)

  16. awesome ribbies! Don't kill me but I tagged you...I had to...

  17. Wow! Mom and Dad look awesome in their ribbys. What a sweet daughter. I think I've made my mom a scarf. That's sad.

  18. P-Man looks soooo relaxed - obviously a well loved cat with no lack-of-attention issues. What a cutie!

    The Ribby Family looks fantastic! Funny thing is, I just finished one for myself two nights ago (in Elann's Dark Indigo Heather Peruvian Wool). I did the flat panel version too, size 44-45", and I LOVE IT!!! Instead of a zipper, though, I attached those pretty cloak clasps (like you see on Bavarian cardis), and can't take a photo yet, as I'm still three clasps short of a fully done up sweater.

    Keep up the great knitting, and the spoiling of the Pumpkin.

  19. Anonymous11:43 PM

    Great job on the sweaters!! So you do have power now? Girl, you be careful! Glad you are hanging in there tho!!

  20. The Ribby family are rib-tastic.

    $7,000??? What did he want to make the repairs out of? Hand-wrought gold as mined by elves? Someone is taking the p**s. Tell them you'll set the P-man on them, and he'll lie on them and lie on them until they cave.

  21. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Your parents are adorable, and they look even more sweet now that they have matching cardis.
    You did such a great job on them!

    Hope your neighbor loves the socks. It's super nice of you to do that.

  22. Your parents are just the cutest couple! And P-man looks like he has absolutely no worries about your Wilma issues.

  23. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Sorry been incommunicato lately. Leaving GA today to go back to FL. Will call you this weekend, I PROMISE!

    Your ribbys are faboo!

    Give P-man squwooth for me!

  24. I think you've let P-man spoil your 'rents - they all look too happy! Now that you've got an "almost ocean view condo" can you sell it for lots of profit and move somewhere safer????

    How's the yarn supply holding out? And What are you doing for work during this? I'm abnormally curious I guess - but are you able to work? If not, are you able to collect?

  25. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Ribby Family are wonderful - perfect fits too!

    And P-Man definitely seems to be worry free!

    What? You have a Hurricane Sock pattern? And I missed it? I really need to stop by more often! :)

    And don't tempt me to write you an essay on the good, bad and ugly of Survivor this year lady. Or whatever else you've missed!

  26. what lovely ribbies.... I better not show this to my parents and give them any ideas ... ;-)

  27. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Wow, they look fantastic! I think I'm lacking in my fillial duties
    ;-) . . must knit folks sweaters now.
    -meg (
