Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Dude, where's my power??


About an hour ago, Casa de FKD moved back into the 20th century! I say 20th cause I still have neither front, nor back door, ripped out carpets, a very empty fridge/freezer, ect. but I see the 21st century in the distant horizon! All hail Florida Power and Light!!

OMG....a HOT shower*.....BLISS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Later, Dude!

*for the record, I have showered in the last 3 weeks (thanks a lot Rob!!) but they were the icy cold, gasping for breath, heart stopping, wash the crucial bits and get OUT kind, not the nice, leisurely HOT one I took today :)


  1. Anonymous3:49 PM

    So happy to hear you've seen the light! Kidding aside, very glad that they got your lights back on. Doors can't be far behind! Back to normal is just around the corner.

  2. I'm so happy for you!!!

  3. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Woo Hoo !
    Enjoy that shower. ;-]

  4. Anonymous5:23 PM

    That's *wonderful* news, Deb!

  5. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Woohoo!!! That's the best news I've heard all day!!! Enjoy!

  6. YAY!! It's amazing how we take some things for granted, isn't it? Like electricity and hot showers. I'm really glad your power is back.

  7. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Reading your account of "wilmas visit" was totally shocking. I've often seen reports on the news etc, but this is the first time I've known anyone who had been directly, personally affected by such a thing.

    I'm so glad your power is back on too, as your other friend commented above we really do take electricity totally for granted - and yet it transforms our lives in so many ways.

    Best wishes Debi, and hopefully you will soon be making more of your wonderful knitted creations!

  8. Anonymous6:45 PM

    There is nothing like a HOT shower. Especially after the weeks you have had. Steamy hot water, relaxing your muscles. Awesome. Take another.

  9. YAY! So glad that you have power! You now have at least medieval conveniences! LOL!

  10. Yay for hot showers. Take another. Consider a long, hot bath with a tall, cool (ICE you don't have to SCAVENGE!!) drink!
    Go, FPL!

  11. We aren't hearing about the Wilma survivors anymore than we're hearing about the Katrina survivors - they want us to forget so we don't make the changes necessary in our political "leadership" for our country to survive in any form resembling what we have been brought up to believe it to be. End of my political commentary...

    I'm really happy to hear you and Pumpkin have power and life is starting to return to normal. Now we just have to get your expenses reimbursed; next we'll work on your wages (if you haven't been working) and on replacing that stash! Hugs to you and P-man. And blessings on Wendy/Lucy for the new mouse!

  12. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Happy Dance! Glad the power's back on. Enjoy.

  13. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Hooray, hooray!! It's amazing how much we can take for granted isn't it? Glad you back. Dorothy (Missouri Star)

  14. Yay to electricity and hot showers! Thanks for your comment on my blog ... and I miss you and P-man too! Glad to know that life is starting to pick up.
    You're right, there hasn't been too much mentioning of the aftermath of Wilma ... mainly because there were too many other foul-ups in Washington.
    Wish your 21st century is coming sooner!

  15. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Hot showering is a good thing.

  16. Yay! yay! yay! I hope you get your doors ASAP and can finally feel at home again!

  17. YAY!!! Nothing like getting it back "early" huh? That must feel fabulous - who needs doors when you have light and hot water and working appliances.

  18. Anonymous11:22 AM


    So glad to hear that you have power again!

  19. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Oh thank god! I'm so glad you have power again, maybe now you and Pumpkin can get back to normal life, well as normal as life can be after an ordeal like this!

  20. PRAISE THE FPL DUDES. Too bad they give with one hand and taketh our casheth with the other!!

  21. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Awright! Yay for you!
