Tuesday, September 27, 2005

This and that.....

Thanks everyone for the wonderful compliments on my Shaped Triangle! I'm glad you like her as much as I do! She's made her debut outing and I got lots of compliments so despite all her fractious challenges, I have a shawl I will love for a good long time!

Julia tagged me for a new meme. Here are the rules:

1. Go into your archive.
2. Find your 23rd post (or closest to).
3. Find the fifth sentence (or closest to).
4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.
5. Tag five people to do the same

My 23rd post's fifth sentence is

As they say, whatever floats your boat and if knitting ADD works for you, god bless ya!

I was talking about how I'm a two project only knitter and how when I read that other knitters have 5, 10 or even more projects on the go, I break out in hives and wonder how they ever get to a FO??

Since this is so apropos of our many conversations, I tag you Dorothy as well as Kris, Ada, Agnes and Heather

Well, the birthday may be over but the presents keep on coming!

I got these bee-you-tee-ful stitch markers from

Aren't they adorable?

Even the P-Man got a gift! His wonderful Auntie Agnes sent him a gift certificate to Petco! How cool is that? He knows I'm gonna get him something yummy and/or fun with it, can't you see his excitement? :)

La and Agnes sent me even more presents!! La very generously sent me the adorable note cards with both a kitty and a sweater motif, a "chick" mug (and being it's not Easter, I'm guessing it's cause I'm a cool chick, hehe), some yummy tea and some delicious smelling personal care stuff for my bath. Agnes sent me the very beautiful skein of Sockotta sock yarn in my favorite color combo of pink, orange and yellow! Thanks ladies, your generosity makes everyday a birthday and your friendship makes me blessed!

Here's a close up of the tea box....**STASH** Tea!! Get it? Stash tea? Leave it to La to find knitting themed tea!! Of course she might have been referring to the illegal smokeable other kind of stash but since this isn't Amsterdam, we won't go there!! hehehe......

So what's being knitted at FKD these days you ask?? I'm almost finished with the "Socks for Fluffy Feet" that I've designed so once I finish, if there is any interest, I'll write up and post the pattern. I've also started a Ribby Cardi for my Dad but being that I've not gotten very far and it's not very fancy to look at I'll post when I have something of interest to show.

Speaking of something of interest, here's one of my favorite pics of my lil guy......we were playing with his "bird" (some feathers on a string attached to a wand) and he was having a fine time! You can just see the tip of the red feather and that ratty thing in the lower left is his well loved and oft played with knitted catnip mouse.

Pumpkin and I have lots of fun here a FKD, hope your week is fun filled too!


  1. I'm late but I wish you a happy birthday. Thanks for the lovely blog - I so enjoy pictures of the P-guy. Great photos of your lovely black linen shawl too :)

  2. Anonymous10:39 AM

    OOO - tagged for a meme. Does that mean I've arrived? I'm not a cat person, but P-man is so precious. How could you not love that face?
    Dorothy (Missouri Star)

  3. I've done this tag already ... you can find it here:
    P-Man is so adorable.
    I'm stilling knitting the edging for the afghan ... wondering how I'm going to attach it! I hope I can do it by crocheting ... ;)

  4. What wonderful gifts you got for you birthday!!

  5. Anonymous12:59 PM

    O boy, I'm it. At least it's an easy one, I don't like the meme's that make you have to think much.

    Those silver markers are so pretty!

  6. Anonymous4:47 AM

    I just wanted to say how thoroughky impressed I am with the quality and detail of all your work.

    In many ways the term "knitting" is nowhere near good enough to desribe it - esp. as the term often conjures images of ill-fitting sweaters made my well-meaning aunties and grandmothers!

    You are also about 200-300% enthusiastic about it all too - enthusiasm and skill make a great combination!

    Keep up the good work


    PS. the HTML is pretty good too!

  7. Anonymous4:49 AM

    PPS I need to learn to type!!
