Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Presentng Ms. Kiri

Kiri is finished! She was a GREAT knit and I am soooo happy with how she turned out! Here she is for her glamor shots......

Blocked and drying on the bed

A close up of her edging, showing off her pretty pearl bead border

And her lovely center edging (my favorite part!)

An outside pic on a dark towel so you can really see her shapely leaves

And lounging outside, trying not to MELT (it's *HOT* here!!)


Kiri adapted and designed by Polly of All Tangled Up

Used 8.5 skeins of Shine, a sportweight cotton/modal blend from Knitpicks

Size #6 US (4mm) Addi Natura Bamboo 40" circ. I didn't check gauge, just swatched til I found a tension and fabric I found pleasing and that worked with the yarn.

Mods: I enlarged the pattern by knitting 16 pattern repeats instead of the 12 suggested by the pattern and I added size 3/0 pearl colored beads by crocheting them onto the last 2 rows of the edging between the yarn overs and every stitch in the bind off row. The pattern also calls for an SKP for the left leaning decrease on each leaf but I did an SSK instead (I slip my first stitch as if to knit and my second stitch as if to purl for the SSK) I felt it made a neater edge on the leaf and more closely matched the K2tog of the right leaning decreases.

I absoultely *love* how she turned out and she is a knitting project I am very proud of! The stitch definition is amazing, she's incredibly soft, the style is versitile as the pearl edging can dress her up yet she's also perfect with a jean skirt for a trip to the freezing supermarket! Just about the perfect knit project all in all! :::Debi does serious happy dance:::

My poor Pumpkin longs to come outside when Mom does but he's an indoor/screened in balcony kinda kitty. When I leave the house, he stands sentinel in my front window and waits for my return.....awwwwwwwww!
Doesn't he look so sad?

Have no fear, he got lots of chicken when the photo session was over :)

Have a great week !


  1. Kiri is just beautiful! I LOVE the beads on it...I might have to consider trying beads soon.

    And cute little Pman...When I go out, all three kitties sit in the window until I come home. Show me the love!

  2. I just love the beads on your kiri. Can you give me more details on how you crocheted them on? I would love to add beads to my knitting but don't have a clue how to do it.
    Happy knitting....Colette in MB

  3. Anonymous2:36 PM

    I'd never have thought to use Shine for that shawl! I tried to knit Birch but I'm allergic to mohair. :( Maybe I should give it another try with Shine... What size needle did you use? What kind of guage? Absolutely gorgeous!

  4. Kiri is absolutely gorgeous!!! i love the pretty pearl beads on the border.
    Give dear Pumpkin a big hug from me.

    Love Ada

  5. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Gorgeous!! Sigh.

  6. absolutely stunning!!! What a wonderful job you've done.

  7. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Stunning,gorgeous and beautiful ! Really lovely.

  8. All I can muster in awe is WOW...looks great!

  9. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Bravo! What a shawl!

  10. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Your Kiri is spec-TACULAR! I love the color and the way you put beads on it. You are so talented, and your kitty is so damn cute!

  11. Lovely lovely ... really lovely - both Kiri and little Pumpkin!

  12. Anonymous1:59 AM

    Your Kiri is lovely. I found you on Summerof lace. :) I would not have thought of using Shine yarn. I have just finished a summer "blouse" with it and am very happy.
    Georgina in Colorado

  13. Beautiful! I've used Shine for a tank and loved it. I might have to try it for a shawl now!

  14. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Congratulations on a job well done. Kiri is breath-taking! I especially love the beads. I can't visualize how you did it. Any chance some day you could post a tutorial photo? And you kitty looks SOOOO said! What face! Can't help but love it. Dorothy aka Missouri Star

  15. Anonymous4:35 PM

    You have every reason to be extremely proud of your Kiri. You did that with Shine yarn? This is lovely, and I would have never thought of using a guest bed to block with, that's a good idea for large projects like shawls. I also have heard of folks using ceiling tiles and large cushy rugs.

  16. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Your shawl is amazing. I wanted you to know that I received your beautiful squares today. I just read about the one with the heart, and I was so touched. What a beautiful gesture. Thank you so much, and I will make sure Becky receives your note.

  17. Anonymous7:48 AM

    What a beautiful shawl! I love that you added beads, and you are terrific for giving us all your stats on it.

  18. Kiri is beautiful! It has inspired me to go buy some shine to try it!

    And Pumpkin is the cutest cat EVER!

  19. OOO I have to ask what yarn you used for your leaf lace shawl? I am in love with it and couldn't find an entry about it!!!

  20. Anonymous2:00 AM

    Fantastic choice of yarn - the pattern really pops! The pearl edging is a great idea as well. Nice job!

  21. That shawl is fantastic, and I'm making a note of the yarn because I may do the same. Love it, and it's just right for Florida!

  22. Anonymous12:18 AM

    Got my carepackage in the mail yesterday, Deb. Thanks so much! Oh, and I bought my lottery ticket too. Thanks for the good mojo

  23. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Thanks for your nice compliments on my socks. Your shawl is GORGEOUS! I love how it looks with the Shine instead of the fluffier mohair. You got great stitch definition. Thanks for posting the pics. It lets me see Kiri in a whole new light and now I'm itching to knit one too.

    -Sarah G.

  24. Wowo! Smply elegant!
