Saturday, June 25, 2005

Gone Fishing!!

I wish!!!

I've been having major computer issues of late so it's time I sent my really expensive piece of shit *great* computer in for a serious overhaul! And since I'm on school break until the second week in July, no computer access! I will have my ancient but beloved old laptop but I probably won't be posting until my really expensive piece of shit *great* computer returns!

So hopefully lots of knitting and some blog visiting for now....I'll be back as soon as I can! Try to miss me a little? .....hehehe...

Happy Summer and Happy Knitting!

PS - The spectacular pic of the sailfish above was taken off Key West, my favorite place on Earth (so far!) and about 3 hours south of me. I didn't catch it but I up for it, La?


  1. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Come baaaaccckkkk! What will we do with no Deb posts?

  2. Never new haring good get that
    Miss your posts already

    Love Ada

  3. Hurry Back hun! I have no one to talk to late at night ;)
