Thursday, May 19, 2005

KIP Day Project....decision, decisions!

Since my last post showing off the Adreinne Vittadini Shaped Top I plan to be knitting on World Wide KIP day a few friends have asked what color All Seasons Cotton I plan to use. I have these two colors in my stash:

On the left is "Valor" a deep mauve-y, plum shade and on the right is "Ravish" a light periwinkle-bluish-lavender. Both are lovely and would do the Shaped Top justice. So fellow knit friends, which would you choose?

My two current WIPs, the Regia socks and the Cotton Faerose Shawl, are very close to completion so I figured I would wait to post them when they are completely done. Since tonight is Knitting Meet-Up night, I should be closer to that goal, at least on the socks! Our group is expanding our monthly meetings to include a second meeting one Saturday per month and our first Saturday Meet-Up will be....yes, it's true....JUNE 11, World Wide KIP Day!!! Thanks Kim, for being such a good organizer and for making sure Broward Knitters represent on KIP Day!!!

On the Pumpkin front, we are still a *cone zone* but his eye looks really good so I've been taking the cone off when I am here to watch him and make sure he doesn't re-injure his eye. See?

Pumpkin and I wish everyone a great weekend with lots and lots of perfect stitches!!


  1. Anonymous5:23 PM

    I really like the Ravish color, so pretty for that sweater design.

  2. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Meow Pumpkin! I still think you are a hottie, even though I am committed to Lucky. Hey, I'm in a kitty relationship, I'm not dead . . .


  3. Thank god for "Coneless in Plantation". Poor guy probably thought he was recyclable.

    Hmmm...I vote for "Ravish". The name is too cool, as well as the color.

    Thanks for the "props". If only we could get more people to show up at the meets. 4 isn't bad, but 6 or 8 would be better, and 15 better still!

    Vittadini in the mail as we speak/

  4. Anonymous10:31 AM

    I'm so happy to see that Pumpkin is doing so well and "coneless".

    I like both colors!!

    Love Ada
