Here's the scarf I mentioned a few days ago. It's called Caryl's Kerchief.
It uses one skein of Koigu and about 200 size 6 seed beads. It's an easy lace pattern with lots of pizazz! The colors are fairly true on my monitor, perhaps just a little more vibrant and saturated in person.
The pattern is available from as a kit ONLY. If you email Mary and tell her what color scheme you are longing for, she will choose both the perfect yarn and complimentary beads. Of course, you can choose your own Koigu if you like.
This was a fast, fun took me two evenings. It's a Chanukah gift for my sis-in-law and I can really see it getting a lot of use in her wardrobe.
I also can see me making this scarf again and again! I already have plans for two slightly larger ones using Socks that Rock yarn from Toni at and I already picked out some really beautiful and interesting beads!
And just because he's so adorable, the next post contains another pic of the Pumpkin man!! ( I haven't figured how to do 2 pics in one post....serenity now!!)
When I first saw this photo, the bottom 1/5th wasn't showing, and I thought you had knit a thong!! LOL
ReplyDeleteImagine how ungodly uncomfortable a knit thong would be! hehe