Eye Candy Monday
A couple of weeks back when discussing my blogging ennui I mentioned subjecting y'all to yet another sock and you (wonderful, supportive!) guys all seemed never to tire of the endless sock parade here at Chez FKD :)
I haven't finished Mom's vest yet but soon I hope, altho I've kinda forgotten what it's like to knit on needles larger than a US #1, hehe....plus, I'm almost finished with a Fugly Sock Yarn Blanket of Doom v2 that I started on June 18 - yeah, I'm a crocheting maniac these days, hehe!
So anyway here's a collage of four pairs of socks I never posted about, hope you like em!
Thanks for all the compliments on my Crystals, 'Combs and Cables socks, I hope y'all enjoy knitting them....and have a great week!