I promised myself I would return to Chez Blog de Fluffy as soon as I finished the
Well, as you may have guessed by my absence, I haven't touched the thing in weeks! In my defense, it is the most poorly written pattern I've EVER encountered! It's so bad it makes me loathe working on it but I persevere cause the vest will be gorgeous when it's done and I know Mom will love it! Plus I still need y'all to help me pick out the buttons....please?
Besides the lack of vestitude, it's been a busy summer. As I've mentioned before I'm very active in a wonderful group on Ravelry, Sock Knitter's Anonymous.
We just celebrated our first birthday and we've spent lots of time and effort for a fabulous new Sockdown! schedule for the coming year that begins September 1. Come on down and join us, you'll have a blast!
So as you might guess, I've been knitting socks instead of vests :)
I have 2 real beauties to show you....next time, and a few secret designs that you'll see in the future....yeah, I'm a tease like that sometimes.
Now all that's the fluff, let's get to the one thing that brought me back to blogging (besides all my great, forgiving, blog buds!) because it's so amazingly special....and it involves P-Man for those in withdrawl....
Just have a gander at what I got in the mail yesterday.....
Are these not the cutest stitch markers EVER? Teenie P-Man stitch markers, SQUEEEEEE!! Four different teenie P-Man stitch markers! Just look how teenie.....
These were a gift from my generous and talented friend Cathy! I have no idea how she did these but I was so blown away, I burst into tears upon opening the package!
What makes it even more precious is Cathy's had a pretty crappy shake this last year due to some personal stuff yet thru it all she remains loving, kind, and sweet. I'm not sure I'd be quite so magnanimous in her shoes!
Thank you, my friend. Altho, I'm not worthy, I am eternally grateful for your friendship and your mad crafting skillz :)
If you like, you can say hello to Cathy on Rav here: CathyTWLK
Or visit her blog here: Tightly Wound Loosely Knit
I know she'd love to meet you!
ETA: These stitch markers were gifted by Cathy but actually made by Knitted Kitty Creations who has an Etsy Shop (http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5264370)
Now I'll try not to stay away so long cause like I said, I have some dishy socks to show you, the P-Man is demanding face time with his fans and I am seriously determined to finish Mom's
For all our P-Man fans who have been missing the lil guy, I leave you with the original pic from my favorite stitch marker....I call it "Pumpkin hears a funny" :)