A couple of weeks back when discussing my blogging ennui I mentioned subjecting y'all to yet another sock and you (wonderful, supportive!) guys all seemed never to tire of the endless sock parade here at Chez FKD :)
I haven't finished Mom's vest yet but soon I hope, altho I've kinda forgotten what it's like to knit on needles larger than a US #1, hehe....plus, I'm almost finished with a Fugly Sock Yarn Blanket of Doom v2 that I started on June 18 - yeah, I'm a crocheting maniac these days, hehe!
So anyway here's a collage of four pairs of socks I never posted about, hope you like em!
All specs and pattern info HERE (Ravelry link)
Thanks for all the compliments on my Crystals, 'Combs and Cables socks, I hope y'all enjoy knitting them....and have a great week!
Ok, ok...I didn't forget what y'all really want to see....
Who loves ya, baby?
And make a real difference?
My blog friend Kristi has designed the most beautiful and meaningful sock and I thought y'all would love it...plus the story behind it is quite amazing. Bring a tissue!
Guided by Love Sock (Ravelry Link)
100% of the sale will go to this very worthy cause so have a look and maybe purchase a great sock pattern that can make a real difference!
This is Sammy, my 4 year old nephew...He flew in from California yesterday so he could participate in World Wide Knit in Public Day and the Socknitters Anonymous First Annual WWKIP Day Sock Scavenger HuntOk, he really flew in with the rest of the Cali FluffyKnitterFamily to celebrate Father's Day but it's never to early to pique a future knitter's interest, right? :)Hope everyone had a great KIP day and Happy Father's Day everyone !!
A girl's gotta do something with all that leftover sock yarn :)
Specs and info on Ravelry HERE